
A 12WBTer Tells: It’s All About the Rewards

I’m on my 12th Round of 12WBT and as I said in my first blog post, what I’ve learnt in my 11 previous Rounds is that you get out what you put in!

For this Round, I’m really determined – I’ve got some major personal goals to reach. I want to have a good Round, and I have a few little things that I do to help me make this happen.

1. Reasons to be grateful

An example of this is my new gratitude jar. I’ve seen friends put this into practice, and it seemed like a beautiful thing to do.

Basically the idea is to write something you’re grateful for onto a little piece of paper, fold it up and put it into the jar – every day. So, aside from actively being more positive, at the end of the year you can read through all of your grateful moments.

I went out to buy my jar at the start of the year. By the end of February, my jar looked like this: empty.

I had two options: I could let it go and end up with nothing in the jar, or if I started now, by the end of the year I’d have nearly 10 months of lovely grateful moments to read through.

So, to get me going, I sat down and wrote out a few things that I could remember being grateful for so far this year. And just something as simple as being able to see a few pieces of paper in the jar has helped me feel accomplished and that I’m finally in the swing of using it.


12WBT Free Sample

2. Rewards, rewards and more rewards

Here are other things that I’ve discovered through my 12WBT journey so far to help make this weight loss thing more fun, interesting and easy:

I have a sticker rewards chart that I use to visually encourage me along. Sticker charts can be as elaborate or as simple as you wish them to be. For me, I have a ‘Magic 4’: Nutrition, Training, Sleep and Water, and I give myself one star sticker when I hit my personal daily goal for each of those.

I also give myself a bonus sticker if I manage to get all seven stickers in a category in a week. (This is hard to do!) I then pay myself $1 for each normal sticker, and $5 for each bonus sticker. It’s strangely motivating and satisfying to earn star stickers – so don’t knock it until you’ve at least tried using stickers as an adult!

I have a rewards money jar that I use to save up to buy clothes and so on. This is where I put the money I earn from my star stickers.

You’re going to really start to think I have a jar obsession, but I do the marble jar thing, too. This where one jar of marbles (or, in my case, stones) represents my kilograms to lose, and the other is kilograms lost.

I bought a packet of cheap blue stones from Bunnings, as well as some pretty jars. Each stone represents 500g, and every Weigh In Wednesday, I transfer however many stones worth that I have lost that week, from my ‘kilograms to lose’ jar, to my ‘kilograms lost’ jar.

I use apps to keep me motivated and on track. For instance, my To Do app holds my entire list of things I need to do to help me achieve my 12WBT goals. I also use an app called Carrot, where I list what rewards I’ll give myself when I hit various weight loss milestones. And I use a few date countdown apps for different things – one of my favourites is Countdown+, where I can count down to all of my running events on the one screen.

I often have my goals as screensavers on my iPhone. I don’t read my goals each time I use my phone, but it’s amazing how much just having them there reminds me of what I’m trying to achieve.

Keeping my goals at the forefront of my mind helps me stay focused. Sometimes I stick them around my house and sometimes I have them on my desk at work. I display my goals in different ways: in words, numbers or photos.

I recently created mini goal gift bags for myself – these are my latest motivational project! I bought little gift bags from the two-dollar shop and have filled them with little presents or rewards for myself. They mainly contain active wear (clothes) which I’ll feel more justified in giving to myself if I’ve earned them. But I’ve added different things to the bags, including movie tickets, nail polish, vouchers and even money.

I’ve written on the front of each bag what goal I need to reach in order to earn it. I add to them when I can afford to, and then they’re ready to go.

I also do what I call ‘Operation Yellow Dress’. This is where I take regular photos of me in a certain dress I want to wear – until it fits. It’s a really rewarding way to see my progress in a different way to the scales. I started with, you guessed it, a yellow dress. I’ve successfully achieved ‘Operation Yellow Dress’ and ‘Operation Blue Work Dress’, and I’m now working on ‘Operation Size 10 Red Dress’.

It’s truly exhilarating to finally wear a piece of clothing that you’ve worked so hard to fit into. But it’s just as exciting to see the changes week by week, or month by month, when the dress zipper finally does up, or when it finally sits the way it’s meant to: these moments in between are so rewarding.

3. Calendar Reminders

I have calendar reminders to watch the 12WBT Mindset Videos, to visit the Member Zone, to weigh in, to get my clothes and food ready for the next day, to prepare my food, and a dozen other little things that may seem insignificant but which all add up and help me out.

…and here’s why I do it

When you have a goal that you want to achieve so much, there’s no limit to the amount of effort you will put in to make it happen. This weight loss game can be difficult and long, and it’s always going to take good old-fashioned hard work to achieve our dreams. But I’m up for anything that that keeps things interesting and keep me motivated.

If something as simple as a few star stickers is going to make that hard work a little more interesting, then I’m all for it!

We start our new round on the 5th July! Are you ready to take back control? Click here to find out more.

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78 thoughts on “A 12WBTer Tells: It’s All About the Rewards

  1. WOW Kate, you sure are an inspiration… I have just started my 5th round…… I went really well in my 1st round in Feb 2014, lost 15kgs… then only lost a further 5kgs in May round 2014.. then plateaued for 6mnths…. due to back injury and a small op behind my left knee, I decided to go it alone until I was well enough to go back to the gym…. mmmm wrong move I gained back 10kgs grrrrr even though I was following menu but a few times naughty snacks came into my hand LOL. I am about to start week 4 and have now dispersed of 2Kgs so 8 to go to be back to where I plateaued and hoping to be able to surpass that number this time.. I will be looking at the chart tonight as just organising some for grandies for hol times so if good enough for them it just may be the extra motivation I need to get me going again… I also used to put money into a jar after I stopped smoking…. and soon I had enough to buy myself really expensive perfume that I had never been able to afford before…. reading your blog has given me the spurt I am needing atm…. congrats and hope that “red dress” is fitting you now….Ciao 🙂

    1. Hi Maxine, good on you for pulling yourself back up and getting 2kgs off, on your way back to where you want to go. I find picking myself back up is the absolute hardest thing to do, so I think you’re very inspiring! I love that you did a money jar when you quit smoking, that is fantastic 🙂 I hope you were able to find some little things to spark some things for you, and that you’re going well (in about Week 8 now are you?) Unfortunately the red dress isn’t fitting me just yet…I’m yet to pick myself up also. But I will get there, as I will never give up 🙂 All the best for the rest of the round, go forth and achieve those dreams xox

  2. Kate ‘operation yellow dress’ really caught my eye and drew me in to read your amazing post. Somehow so much more powerful and doable to see the time and process, than just ‘before/after’ pics. Just tracking on the 12WBT app is about all I manage so far, but had a blah day and your post reminded me its importnt to stay connected with supportive, like minded people. Thanks!

    1. Hi Kiwi-Carol, your comment made me smile, thank you 🙂 Yep I agree it’s so much more realistic to see the process from end to end – as there is definitely a whole lot of stuff that happens in between the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pics. I hope you’re having a good year so far, and all the best with your journey 🙂 xo

  3. Wow Kate, as a newbie I am absolutely gobsmacked at your blog. It is inspiring and my jar is going to be called the Europe jar as about to turn 60 in a few weeks and having had a shocking year of injuries preventing my normal routine of exercise and then being diagnosed as pre diabetic, I am going to Europe August 2016 and I want strength and stamina to be the ideal tourist. You have found wonderful strategies that work for you, and thank you for sharing them. Very best wishes for this time around 🙂

    1. Hi Carol, thank you so much for your lovely comment! And Happy 60th Birthday for last month! 🙂 I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I LOVE your Europe jar idea, and I really hope it will help you in looking forward to your trip in August. Sorry to hear you had such a rough year with health things last year – I hope that 2016 is a lot more brighter for you. All the best with your journey 🙂 x

  4. Hi Kate,
    You might find this comment interesting. I enjoyed your ideas because you remind me so much of myself. I am great at lists too and strategies to monitor and measure success.
    Want to know what I think if I am being really honest? It doesn’t work in a sustainable way. Ditch it all, it’s just a distraction.
    This is my first time and I am focussing on the simple act of when I open my mouth. If I am not eating what I should I close it. If I am eating the meal or snack I should, I enjoy it.
    Easy to do but hard to accept that I don’t need to do anything more than put good food in my mouth.
    Seems to be working better and I have ditched the technology, and I just fill in the online diary after each meal.
    I will be interested in how you go, but I struggle because I want to make it a huge deal and found after the first week it was too consuming. Now I have a much simpler, easier approach: just do it. No games, excuses, gimmicks.
    Hope you take these comments from a teacher who loves charts as just another idea for an important journey.
    All the best for this round!

    1. Hi Judi, thanks so much for your thoughtful and well meant comment. I understand what you’re saying, and definitely think approach is great. For myself, a combination of both ways is ideal, so I’m trying to find a good balance. But I think you’re right, when you get it down to basics, that’s when the magic can happen. Thanks for your support and hope you’re going well 🙂 xx

  5. Thanks Kate

    I LOVE the jars where you transfer your weight loss across – what a fantastic idea!
    I have battled with weight loss forever and really need motivating as i often think “here i go again – another diet”. I can’t wait to see the stones going from one jar to the other.
    Thank you thank you thank you

    1. Hi Liz, you are more than welcome. I saw similar done somewhere and had to try it for myself, and it really does help. I really hope it’s helping you also 🙂 x

  6. Hi Kate
    Really great ideas , will put a chart up and impress myself each day of responsible thinking and have my grandaughters congratulate me on my progress
    Over the last 4 yrs I have had 2 opps on a broken leg and had 2 different battery implants in my back to overcome pain, has to a degre, but I’m not going to let it get me down any more, its all about me and getting in to a nice pair of bathers and looking better and thinking as positive as you Kate.

    1. Hi Lyn, goodness you have been through so much with your operations! It’s completely understandable that they would have gotten you down – but good on you for aiming for it not to get you down anymore. That goal in itself is inspirational. I hope that the chart has helped, and that your granddaughters are enjoying being your cheerleaders. Keep going, you sound like you have so much strength so I have no doubt that you will succeed with your goals. Lots of best wishes, Kate xo

  7. Wow Kate!!
    Congratulations on your weight loss and all your creative methods to achieve.
    I havea White dress I amaiming to get into by the end of this round also The magic Size 10!

    Maybe I should take photos too.
    Good luck in this round

    1. Thanks so much Suzanne! So great that you have a goal outfit also: how did you go?? Hope you’re going well and feeling good xo

  8. I love the jars. I am ashamed to write my weight on the wall at work for all to see – but the jars, I can do that here to keep me motivated. I also love the dress photo idea. I will try find something appropriate tonight and have hubby take a photo for me! THANK YOU for the ideas, which I hope can cement this for me. I needed the inspiration!

    1. Hi Christine, so sorry that I only read your comment just now. I’m so glad that you’re keen on the jars and operation dress photos – how are you going with it? Were you able to find a goal outfit? 🙂 I hope you’re going well xo

  9. This has motivated me to work hard and keep working towards my goals. You know my brother and I’ve seen you around a few time and you look amazing. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas with us.

    1. Oh thank you so much Jess 🙂 I’m so glad it helped in any small way. Thank you so much for the kind words. Please say hi next time, I’d love to meet you. Keep reaching for your goals and you’ll get there xo

  10. Wow Kate!
    I love your motivation tips. I have the perfect jar ready for my marbles / stones 🙂
    I am about to start June round and I now think I’ll call it “Operation Red Dress”
    Keep up the positive vibes! Thank you

    1. Hi Sharon!

      Thanks for your comment. I love love love Operation Red Dress! And love that you have a great jar to use, too. All the best for June round, I hope you’ve had a great start to it. All the best — you can do this!!!! 🙂 xo

  11. Love ❤️ all of your ideas, I’ve just adopted all, jars are ready, mini goal bags done, chart is prepared, my husband and I start tomorrow, thanks for the inspiration, we have some big goals to kick, your ideas have put some fun into the whole process, your a gem

    1. Oh Cindy I loved reading your comment! I’m so excited to read that you’ve used so many ideas. I really hope they help you as much as they do me. Wishing you and your husband the best of luck on your journey. You can do this xo

  12. Wow what great ideas I am really bad at getting myself motivated but Iam going to take some of your ideas and but them to use for myself. I just dont want to fail again I must admit I do forget to check in so am going to do a timetable good luck everyone.

    1. Hi Pamela!
      Great to hear you’re going to use some of these for yourself. I hope they help you along your journey. All the best 🙂

  13. Kate! What an inspiration! This is my 5th round but I don’t feel a failure at all. I am grateful that I have 12WBT and all my fellow colleagues who are taking part in it. I may have been and will be side-tracked at times, but the journey involves moving forward and this is a journey that will last the rest of my life.

    1. Hi Geraldine!

      Thank you for your comment. Its so so nice to hear you say that you know this is for life. You’re so right. The rounds help me set goals and be accountable, but at the same time, I too am doing this for life. You sound very positive and determined – it’s lovely to share this journey with you 🙂

  14. WOW your ideas are amazing , love them all & so proud of you. I have just started this week & I have stuck to everything so far & proud of myself BUT your little ideas are great & I think I might use them also.

    1. Hi Deidre!
      Thank you for your comment, and well done on sticking to it all! It’s so nice to hear that you’re proud of yourself. I hope some of these ideas have helped you also. Keep up the great work 🙂

  15. Hi, I am both inspired and encouraged by you. Kate, I have struggled with this my whole life, and done EVERYTHING out there for weightloss/health/just wanting to be OVER this thing. I have a sinking feeling that this time will end like all the others….how do I draw line in sand and make this time a new way of groovin. I really want not to feel a failure, again.

    Any help/advice/words?

    1. Hi Kim 🙂
      Thanks for your comment. I understand the struggle and the whole life thing and just wanting it DONE. I find it hard to feel confident when I’ve failed so many times in the past.
      One thing I can suggest is, you don’t need to feel confident to start again. I think back to when I started 12WBT and I didn’t feel confident at all. I felt terrified and apprehensive and didn’t believe in myself at all.

      But I took a gamble on myself because I wanted the results and tried anyway, and over time that confidence grew.

      Because I stuff up so much, I recently started AGAIN (for the 534th time!) 🙂 and I remember taking solace in the fact that I didn’t feel confident the first time, but remembered how that grew over time – so I started anyway. I think that’s something that might be good to remember: that you don’t need to feel confident or strong to begin. Just start (or restart) anyway – and day by day, it will feel easier.

      Failure comes part in parcel. As soon as I accepted that failure as normal, a big weight came off my shoulders. In a strange way it gave me the confidence to keep pushing through. The only real way you can fail is to completely give up. If you keep picking yourself up and trying, you WILL eventually get there.

      I know how upsetting it can be to be doing this all the time but keep going. I’m here doing the exact same thing, and it’s normal to slip up. I really believe that if you never give up, and if you stand up after every time you fall, one time will be the time you get there.

      Also another tip is to invest yourself into the process. If you do 12WBT, watch the mindset videos, speak to others in the community, read the blog, follow the plans, do the mini milestones, do it all. Make a rewards plan, use stickers, use jars, make a home gym, do everything and all that you can to fully immerse yourself into your goals. I find this really helps me. That way it’s all around me and I’m constantly reminded of what I’m doing.

      I hope this helps a little bit….even if you don’t believe in yourself right now, just try anyway, and never give up. It’s ok if it takes you 237 attempts. If you don’t give up, you will eventually get there.

      All the best, love Kate xxxoo

  16. Hi Everyone,
    How creative! Kate- How terrific you have made this weight loss journey such fun and given us great ideas- thank you so much.
    I too was feeling an absolute failure to be honest! Like you said Dee.
    I have too have done 4 rounds and each time…stressed out so much and find my life is in such an unstable emotional state that I just give up. Ouch not good!
    I am now getting help with managing the emotional roller coaster & getting over the past 12 mths of enormous relationship drama’s ever.
    Now I feel I am slowly crawling out from a dark depressing place to embrace the light again. Hard to believe when I’m usually am such a focused, goal setting, bubbly, strong and positive woman 🙂
    Somehow this woman I once was- became subsumed by a very destructive home environment- now being sorted!
    The last straw was when my new 8 mth old very active Staffie (given to me) chewed my brand new 12 WBT Recipe book into pieces! That drove me to tears and almost total ……I’m giving up.
    BUT NO…I refuse. Back to embracing reality…I can do it with all your wonderful inspiration and “kick ass” support 🙂
    I’ll be back but not right now. I need to recover from months of lost sleep, mislaid gym wear & other chaos. Then gently into walking & swimming and back to 12WBT !!!!
    Thanks for support and anyone else gone through this phase and challenge & risen to achieve their goals?!!!!

    1. Hi SmileyJo!
      Thanks for your comment. Wow it sounds like you’ve been through a lot lately! You sound very determined and strong though, and your positivity definitely shines through! Life stuff can be beyond hard to cope with sometimes, and to try and fit in a weight loss journey at the same time….it’s just simply hard! I’m really sorry to hear about the stuff you’ve had to go through, and I understand the last straw thing with your Staffie and recipe book!!
      I went through a very hard time a couple of years ago while I was doing my weight loss journey. Everything was so chaotic and I let everything go. To get myself out, I just started changing little things, one step at a time. I wrote a list of everything I had to do: EVERYTHING no matter how menial it seemed. I then did a pretty impressively long To Do list to schedule when I would get everything done.
      I’m still going on that list! But it’s helped me so much. Things can seem overwhelming and that there’s just too much to do, but I find one step at a time gave me confidence and courage to try the next step, and so on.
      You’ll get there: you sound like a wonderful, warm and positive woman and this will see you through.
      All the best for your journey, I genuinely wish you all the best.
      Love Kate xo

  17. Love it. Love it .Love it. What an inspiration. Especially love the stones idea. No cheating with that one. Its right there to keep me going. This is going to be my first attempt at 12wbt and anything I can use to keep that motivation up is a thumbs up in my books.

    1. Thanks Janette! I hope your round is going well! Yep I grab hold of any motivation thing I can as well…it all definitely helps. All the best for your round x

  18. Hi Kate,
    I just committed to setting up my gym in the garage again. I also stated that I would like some visuals to keep me focussed while I’m working out. This is where your pink weekly poster comes into play. Thanks for the tip 🙂

    1. Hi Jo! You’re welcome! Thank you for your comment. I hope your poster is working for you! Great idea re the garage gym too! I have a ‘home gym’ that I use sometimes 😉 but when I do, the visual stuff I have on the walls helps me so much. Hope yours is working for you x

  19. That is really amazing Kate, every little thing is a positive and gets a great big tick!

  20. Congratulations Kate, you are truly an inspiration, I am going to use the star chart and the beads ideas, they will be in my face all the time helping me to stay on track. I also like the app ideas so am going to be looking for these as well. Thanks for all the great ideas

    1. Thanks Kim 🙂 I hope your star chart and beads and apps have been helping you as much as they do me. Thank you for commenting xo

  21. Can I just say what a bloody awesome chick you are? I got motivated just READING your post! Go you. Some wonderful ideas there. Keep up the great work

    1. Thanks so much Edwina 🙂 Your comment really made me smile. Thank you so much 🙂 xo

  22. Kate , Congratulaions …. what a very positive Blog to read and the comments are just as positive. Well done !

    1. Thanks so much Susie! The comments are just so lovely, they’ve been so nice to read. Thank you for yours! 🙂 xo

  23. Thank you for sharing I love the Jars and the chart, I think sometimes all apps to fill in on your phone to help keep you on track just don’t quite cut it, you can put the phone down or turn it off, but that chart on the fridge and the jar on the bench just make your progress more real. I was successful on my 1st 12WBT but have fallen back into old habits and letting work take over again, time to sign up for another round.
    once again thank you great blog.

    1. Thanks heaps Lorraine. I agree. There’s something to be said for visual stuff and real life paper/cardboard in this digital age! I have my chart behind my bedroom door, and I can see it whenever I’m in my room. My jars are also in a row on my shelves in my room and I can see them each day – this really helps. Well done on your first round, it’s so easy to have those old habits creep up, I know. I hope your new round is going well – thanks for your feedback xx

  24. I’m so glad I just stumbled across this while I was browsing articles. I’m feeling in a bit of a slump, and I remember coming across your “Operation Yellow Dress” at one stage before, which helped my mindset a little before and now reading all of this and thinking about your little things that keep you going, your rewards etc, I think that’s just what I needed and now I’ve got a few ideas that should help keep me going!

    Also, well done 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for your comment Krystal. I hope your new ideas are helping you. I understand the slump thing all too well. This journey is so hard and it takes so much to keep it going. Any little thing that can help us stay motivated is worth trying. Keep at it and never give up…slumps are normal and ok. You’ll get there xo

  25. Wow kate. Love your dedication, organisation and enthusiasm.

    Going to go organise some jars and stickers !


    1. Thank you Deirdre 🙂 I hope the jars and stickers are working for you! 🙂 x

  26. You are a doer and a winner and by sharing you are also inspirational. Thank you and well done.

  27. HI Kate – I love your sticker chart. It reminds me of the chart I had when my kids were little. I think its a wonderful idea to adopt the same concept for my 12wbt journey. I am going to put it up next to my weekly calendar of meals and family events. I’m hoping it will also inspire my husband to take up better clean eating habits. He is my worst saboteur when it comes to eating healthy. So I will be buying my stickers tomorrow. Thanks Kate for sharing .

    1. Hi Ruth 🙂 Thanks for your comment. I hope it’s working for you – I know it can be hard with people around you wanting to eat different things. Any little tool that can help us is always good! I hope the stickers are working for you and all the best on your journey. Thanks, Kate x

  28. Thanks for the inspiration! I’m off to implement some motivational tools. I love the stones in the jar and I am also a big app user! Which carrot app is it that you use, as there seem to be a few!

  29. OMG Kate what an inspiration you are – how original are all of your rewards systems!!! I’ve done these sort of things for my daughter but never for myself – I’m heading out to Bunnings, the cheap shop and Officeworks to pick up some supplies – thanks so much for sharing your ideas – I have just thought of how I can implement them for my home business and my daughter to get us all motivated in other areas as well – have an awesome round sweetheart and thanks again xxx

    1. Thanks Simone! 🙂 Your comment made me smile 🙂 I hope you got some cool stuff at Bunnings etc. and that it’s working for you. I’m so glad this has helped 🙂 xo

    1. Thanks Belinda 🙂
      I’m actually not a teacher…but friends often say that I should be…sticker charts etc would go well in the classroom too, huh 🙂 x

  30. OMG. What a transformation. You are truly an inspiration to others . You look amazing in the the dress . Well done . Keep up the great work.

  31. I love operation yellow dress! That is brilliant, I have a little box of clothes I aim to fit back into, I am going to do the weekly photo too. Congrats on your success, you have obviously worked hard. Thanks for sharing you tips.

    1. Thanks so much Rachael 🙂
      That’s great you’re going to do an “Operation Clothes” too 🙂 It’s really rewarding to visually see and feel the changes. Thanks so much for your kind comment, it means a lot. Love Kate xo

  32. What a fun and novel way of staying positive! I love the yellow dress concept. It is a visual reminder of how far you have come. The scales can be cruel sometimes and we shouldn’t just rely on the numbers. Thanks for sharing and the tips!

    1. Thanks Annelys! 🙂 You’re right, it’s so easy to get caught up in numbers, it’s nice to remind ourselves of changes in other ways too and I found this really helped me. One week the scales may not have shifted, but that zip went up a little more than the previous week! 🙂 Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂

  33. WOW… I am with Rose… I am definately going to adopt the blue stones in the jar.. I love that. It is so visual. I have just signed up for my 2nd round as the first time was a real learning curve and I fell off. Never mind though because I think I have learned from it and my partner wants to eat the meals so I will be preparing for him as well. I think I will also do the star chart as it will be an in my face reminder of the areas that I need to concentrate on. Wow thankyou for sharing

    1. Hi Linda! Glad you like the stones idea 🙂 I’ve also had rounds where they’ve been more about learning – I learn something (many things) from each one I do. It sounds like you have a really supportive partner, it will help that he wants to eat the same things. And so glad you’re keen on the star chart! I truly get so much motivation out of mine, and a sense of accomplishment. I really hope it works for you. Thank you for your kind feedback 🙂 x

  34. Thank you for your words of wisdom. This is my 4th round and I have felt like a failure because I hadn’t achieved everything I set out to originally. My heartfelt appreciation for all the little tips…I will begin anew tomorrow xx

    1. Thank you Dee. I totally understand the failure-ish feeling. I have such big dreams and sometimes stuff gets in the way and its so easy to feel like I’ve stuffed everything up. But we will get there if we just always try just one more time than we’ve ‘failed’. I hope the tips help a little- never give up, you can do this. Love Kate xo

  35. OMG you are a legend and thank you sooo… much! What an inspiration. The above is incredibly helpful. My journey has begun again and thanks once more for the above. LUV it !!

    1. Thanks so much Rose! I’m so glad you like the ideas, I really hope they help. Good on you for starting your journey again: you can do this 🙂 x

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