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Angela’s Story: Why I Came Back to 12WBT

So, I am back. After first doing 12WBT in August 2011, losing 14 kilos in my first round, and eventually a total of 21 kilos, learning to run (and running my first 10km and then half-marathon), you would think I might have learned something.

And I did.

For three years, I exercised 4-5 times a week (at least), meal-planned every week and kept the weight off despite having a busy job and enjoying a pretty packed social life.

But as we prepared to come back to Australia about this time last year, the wheels fell off and I started to put on weight. I signed up to a Round ready to start a couple of days after we arrived back in Australia in June 2014. It was a disaster. We were travelling, catching up with friends, moving states, setting up a house. In the past nine months I have tried to eat well, and I was exercising fairly regularly.

I kept telling myself that I just needed to menu plan, as I have all the 12WBT recipes saved into a folder over the many rounds I’ve done along with the exercise plans. But I wasn’t losing weight and in the past week, I have had to concede that I now need to lose about 10-12 kilos. I kept telling myself I couldn’t justify this expense but then I realised, if I don’t do something soon, I’ll be paying money for new clothes that fit, despite having a huge wardrobe of clothes.

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I finally admitted to myself that I needed a bit more help, support and encouragement. I also realised that my life is very different to that when I first started 12WBT. I was living in Hanoi, Vietnam, working full time, often stuck in my office but that meant I couldn’t snack. I wasn’t going grocery shopping every day. And more importantly, I had a housekeeper who was not only shopping and preparing my meals, but she was doing all the other things around the house. Apart from work and having fun with friends and family, I had no other responsibilities and no excuse not to exercise.

But here I am back in Australia, in a whole new place, juggling study, setting up a business, keeping the house clean, washing, doing the school run, shopping and cooking. I feel like I should have all the time in the world but I don’t. On top of that, living in a wine region, with a husband working in the industry means there has been way too much wine consumed. And then there is the novelty of the supermarket and also being surrounded by great local produce and having time to bake.

So, it is probably no wonder that I am sitting here, feeling uncomfortable with too many fat rolls and stressing every time I need to find something to wear. But, here I am again because I know that 12WBT works. I’m also excited that it has grown as much as it has, and from the emails I have continued to receive, I know it has changed a lot.

So I’m approaching this round like it is my first round of 12WBT, because in reality, it is my first time as a regular wife and mum back in Australia, juggling study, starting a new business, housework and family. I’m scared and excited – but no more excuses. It will be worth it!


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Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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