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Half Her Size! How Catherine Lost 70kg

When it comes to celebrating weight loss milestones, 12WBTer Catherine hit the jackpot late last week.

Half Her Body Weight!

Catherine before starting 12WBT
Catherine before starting 12WBT

The 27-year-old, who has completed the last six Rounds of 12WBT, weighed in at just under 70kg at last week’s Weekly Checkpoint, which was less than half  her previous body weight.

While the achievement itself was simply outstanding, the fact that Catherine was set to join Michelle Bridges on stage as part of Michelle’s Powerful Living tour just days later at Westfield Whitford City only added to her excitement.

“I was pretty determined that I had to weigh in below 70kg last week – because that was going to be when I met Mish,” Catherine says.

“I was one of the Members who was up on stage with her at the book tour in Perth, and afterwards I showed her my before and after photos. She looked at the before photo and said, ‘That’s not you!’”

Celebrating Milestones

Color RunCatherine is no stranger to celebrating her weight loss successes, with the West Australian making sure she made every milestone count:

  • When the scales showed 100kg, she flew to Sydney and did the Sydney Tower Climb.
  • At 90kg, she travelled to Brisbane with friends and ran the Colour Run.
  • She continued to reward her efforts at 80kg, buying a memory locket.
  • She then treated herself to a top-of-the-range fitness tech tool when she finally dropped below 70kg.

But, as far as milestone celebrations go, meeting Mish in person definitely topped the list.

“I was just so excited to be able to tell her my news!” she says. “I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without Mish and her team.”

Changing Her Mindset

While there have been big changes on the scales, there have been even bigger changes for Catherine in both her lifestyle and mindset.

After battling her weight since she was a teenager, Catherine says 12WBT had provided her with the knowledge she needed to take control of her health and diet.

“When I got down to 85kg, I remembered that was what I weighed when I was 14 and a half,” she says.

“I then realised that I now weigh less than I did when I was 13.

“Back then it was just a lot of emotional eating, but now I understand how to live a healthy lifestyle, and that’s something I learnt from 12WBT.”

“It’s all about a ‘no excuses’ attitude”

sydney tower eyeAnd after battling her own body-image demons for a number of years, Catherine says she was finally able to feel proud of what she has achieved.

“For ages I hated hearing people say, ‘You must be so proud,’ but after I while I understood where they were coming from and was able to see just how positive the changes I had made were,” she says.

“The biggest thing I’ve learnt is that 12WBT is for life – it’s not just for 12 weeks.

“I now walk everywhere. I hardly use my car anymore! I walk with a friend every day, and even yesterday when she wasn’t available, I went for a swim.

“It’s all about having that ‘no excuses’ attitude.”

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