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Presenting Our Sensational March End of Round Winners

If you’re looking for motivation to start your 12WBT journey then look no further. Our sensational March End of Round winners have lost a combined 89kgs!

We’re so proud of their progress and the long-term health and fitness goals they’re well on their way to succeeding.

Their 12WBT success goes beyond the scales, over the last 12 weeks, these guys have made amazing improvements in their mental wellbeing, their overall lifestyle, their energy levels and their zest for life: realising what they CAN do, rather than what they can’t.

A huge congratulations to all, for your phenomenal and life-changing achievement!


Jody Hallet

end of round

The difference in my breathing, energy levels and stamina is already so noticeable. I am even starting to complete a whole workout each day and I’m so proud of myself. My willpower, just wow! I’m getting stronger in talking myself out of bad choices and into better ones.  

I really want to make this my normal. I was definitely an excuse maker, and now I just think, ‘Just give it a go!’


Vicki McPhillips

end of round

I’m really happy with the numbers; on the scales, the tape measure and clothing labels. What I’m most impressed with is getting my own body back, I now feel like myself again!

I look like I did in my teens and twenties. And I’m so much happier and healthier!


Kylie Stapleton

end of round

I went from huge serves of indulgent food, such as hot cross buns with caramel ice-cream …hello extra kilos coming my way! Lol. I am so happy about eating healthy options. Having a weekly menu/shopping list is invaluable. Knowing in advance what you are going to eat eliminates the feelings of opting for less healthy options.

I need to keep this up! I turn 50 later in the year and want to lose the last 6kg and maintain my goal weight.


Debbie Higgins

end of round

My negative self-thoughts are slowly getting pushed out and being replaced by ‘Yes I can do this’.

It feels strange to go to bed knowing I haven’t done a workout, so I look forward to it instead of dreading it!

Once you’ve started you just keep going, one foot in front of the other. One day you will wake up and see you’ve come a long way, and didn’t even know it!


Christina Christiansen

end of round

The weight loss is number 1. I love looking at my body in the mirror again.

I was a Mediocrity Acceptor – I had started to believe that this was just the way I was going to look now (post 40) even though I was slowly dying inside. I’m so happy I finally did it and look forward to taking everything I have learnt and applying it for long-lasting results into the future.


Hayley Struthers

end of round

I haven’t managed to 100% stick to the meal and exercise plans, but I managed to keep crawling along and progressing. I still have a way to go to get healthier, but I’m feeling determined and feel like it IS possible.

There’s definitely no ‘perfect’ time to turn your health around, you just need to get stuck in. Dropping 10.9kg these last 12 weeks puts me well on my way.


Aleksandra Petkovic

end of round

I’m proud of getting stronger willpower and better self-esteem. I’m proud of the introspective work I’ve done, with the great help from 12WBT mindset videos. I started facing my fixed mindset and learning to develop a growth mindset. Now I am open to change and not scared of failure.

I know I can succeed in anything I aim for, with persistence and hard work. I’ve learned to treat my soul and body with more care and respect.


Also read: What Should My 12 Week Weight Loss Expectations Be?

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Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

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