
Meet 12WBT’s Amazing Feb Round Winners

Reviewed by: Erica Grandjean, APD, BNutr&Diet

Each 12WBT Round, we select some outstanding members who’ve achieved phenomenal results, and been amazingly supportive of their teammates.

Here, our Feb 17 Winners describe how they stuck to their 12WBT goals – through the good times and bad.


One thing that really helped me was to keep a record for two weeks, and write down what I felt when I ate. This has been a game changer for me. I now know the emotional reasons I eat.  

I now understand that when I am frustrated, I turn to food and then I get frustrated with how feel when I eat too much food. It was a cycle.  This helped me link the emotion to the action of eating. This knowledge has given me power and choice.



I exercise on my break on night shift: laps of the ward, perhaps a walk on the treadmill or some yoga in the tearoom.


When I drop a kid off at an activity for an hour, I use that time to go for a walk instead of going home or waiting in the car. I walk around where the activity is and use the time better.


I have some night time routines that stop me from those dreaded after-dinner munchies.

I have a nice teapot, china teacup and a collection of herbal teas, so I sip herbal tea from my fancy tea set at night time. I also crochet or knit which keeps my hands and mind focused.

I also have discovered kombucha drinks which I drink instead of wine on Friday night after work (out of the fanciest wine glass in the house, of course).


I’m a bit of a ‘gear freak’ (some might say ‘all the gear/ no idea!’) The worst thing about exercise I find is the 10 minutes before I start, but by having training gear that I like, I just throw it on automatically, and before I know it I’m doing burpees and lunges!



I set daily reminders in my phone with mantras or sayings to motive me each day.

One was before bed was ‘I will lose 30 kilos!’ The other was when I woke up, ‘Remember WHY you are doing this’ The last one is ‘I accept good graciously into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always’.


I save my vegan healthy muffin for dessert once the kids are in bed!


My tip is to keep believing in yourself that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Even when I was a bit naughty I never felt guilty.  

Be realistic and know you are only human; at the end of the day, if you fall off the wagon, jump right back on it again and pick yourself up!



My main advice to anyone trying to lose weight is to control your portions. My trick was to purchase a much smaller bowl than the one I usually use. It allowed me to control how much I ate. The size of the bowl was a perfect portion.

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