
Congratulations to our September Award Winners!

Another group of awesome 12WBTers smashed their goals in our September Round! Congratulations to our 12WBT Heroes and Transformers, you guys are a great example of being a committed, awesome 12WBTer, and changing your lives for the better. Well done!

12WBT Heroes

Elizabeth (aka _elizabeth_)


Starting this journey to lose weight I was so overwhelmed. I started 12WBT in a really bad headspace and was an emotional wreck. Along the way I have learnt that it is more than weight loss, I have gained so much more from 12WBT than I expected. I am now not the girl that looks happy on the outside but is crying internally – I am happy and settled inside and feel fantastic! My whole family has benefited from this program. They now have a healthy wife and mother that enjoys life!

Jenny (aka jennymay22)


I was amazed at the Fitness Test results – before 12WBT I could not do a push up – not even from the kneeling position. I think I managed six knee push ups by the time the 12 weeks started, and 26 by the time it finished!!! I believe a lot of my weight gain was through lack of muscle mass. I’m so pleased to have some muscles again, even if they are still a bit padded! Mostly, I’m amazed that I can run – well, jog. The first few weeks I nearly died jogging just 30 seconds on and off. By the tenth week (I got sick in Week 10) I could jog four minutes repeatedly, with only one minute breaks in between. That’s pretty much jogging for 20 minutes! Amazing. Even more astonishing, I quite like it!!

Join our 12WBT Learn to Run program to train to run 5kms in 12 weeks in 2017!

Kody-Leigh (aka KL19)


The biggest physical achievement I have had over the last two 12WBT Rounds is my running fitness. I’ve always had, well there is no other way to put it, but a fear and hatred of running. I always thought I couldn’t run, but through 12WBT I have gone from being afraid to run to running 1 km nonstop in five and a half minutes! Of course the weight loss and cms loss has been a needed and amazing bonus! Having my mum  and best friend be apart of the 12WBT community has really helped me stay motivated and on track myself, by motivating them and having someone keep me accountable for my own actions.

Also read: Tips For Moving Past Negativity

Jen (aka jen_vibrant82)


‘Life happens’ moments no long take over me because I found the determination to build a strong body and mind this 12WBT Round.  Previously I would get myself all worked up/down over things that I couldn’t control in life, and let those feelings consume me. What I eat and how I exercise is in my control and focusing on this has made my headspace incredibly strong. Now dealing with ‘life happens’ moments is much easier, less stressful and I’m a better person for it!


Cathy (aka cathy_burns)


After breaking both my ankles four years ago, I had the perfect excuse to not exercise and my weight got really out of control. I am proud to have lost 13 kilos, including the four kilos I lost in Pre-Season, improved my Fitness Test results by 23 points and ran 1200m nonstop after previously puffing out after only 100m. Smashing out that Fitness Test, I realised the range of motion in my ankles has improved out of sight and were relatively pain free! I’m charging towards a healthy BMI!

Emily (aka emilybrooke415)


Well, let’s face it, I started this program as a teenager so I had a very small range of meals I could cook that didn’t involve two minute noodles. Two 12WBT Rounds later and I feel so confident in my range of meals, from Chicken Tikka Curry with Cauliflower Mash to Lasagne – I can actually make nutritious meals, even my three male housemates all love when I cook. Another amazing life skill 12WBT has taught me.

Also read: Letting Go Of All-Or-Nothing Thinking

Janet (aka Jaybearz6964)


I now buy everything fresh and am starting to love cooking from scratch, making stir fry meals from scratch without using packaged sauces. I ensure that I find time every day to exercise and actually feel anxious if I can’t fit it into my day.

Kate (aka kate_unquestionable39)


Best thing is I have my fitness mojo back and despite working long hours, having kids and a busy life I now exercise six days per week. Sooooo happy I signed up. Perfect amount of information to keep me motivated and excited. $199 is ridiculously cheap for this program. Here’s what you get when you sign up to 12WBT!

Natalie (aka natmac)


Meal preps for the week on a Sunday is a lifesaver, not only to ensure we eat well but it takes the stress off me having to prepare a meal after getting home from a long day at work. Especially now with a toddler! I signed up due to being shocked with a photo of myself, I hoped on the scales and 80.1 flashed at me – it was time to take action. I thought I was doing well, I exercised daily and ate well. What I learnt, if I exercise I need to get the heart rate elevated, and most importantly PORTION SIZES. This was my biggest lesson, the portion sizes now easily fills me.  Thank you 12WBT, you have changed my life.

Gemma (aka gem_can_do_it)


I am proud of J.F.D.I’ing it when I didn’t feel like it. When you have a baby, it is so easy to use them as an excuse to not exercise. I refused to do that throughout this journey and now I crave exercise. I MAKE time to fit exercise into my schedule (usually when bub is sleeping) and I am so blessed to have a hubby that supports me too. My husband and I sit down every Thursday night and do our online shopping for the next week. This has been a great lifestyle change because I don’t need to haul the baby through the grocery store AND it prevents me from being tempted by naughty treats!

Our next 12WBT Round kicks off February 6th – we’d love to have you on the team! Join now.

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