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What’s in My Gym Bag?

See what’s in Mish Bridges’ gym bag, PLUS what you’ll need if you’re starting from scratch.

This is all about convenience – the convenience of having your gym bag packed either at home or in your car so it’s easy to get to the gym and everything’s there for you.

In her own words, here’s what’s in Mish’s gym bag:

My gym membership card – An obvious one!

My weight training gloves – I’ve always got them ready to go for my next weight training session.

A gym towel – Sometimes it’s super clean, sometimes it might not be but I do try to refresh it regularly.

My boxing gloves – If I know I’ve got a boxing session the next day I pop them in straight away. I’ll also put my wraps in so my boxing’s a little bit more comfortable.

My water bottle – I carry a metal one as it’s non-toxic.  I’ll fill it up the night before and pop it in my gym bag so it’s good to go.

Deodorant – One of the best tips I can give you. It’s always important to have this in your bag!

My best tip – my mini Dettol hand cleaner. Sometimes I go for a coffee with my girlfriends straight after my gym workout and if you’ve been touching and handling all the weights in the gym, it’s just really convenient.

My training folder with my training journal – I’ll print out all of my workouts, pop them into the plastic sleeves and take it straight to the gym. Using your smartphone or iPad works just as well for some.

Face wipes – If you’re training and then going grocery shopping or for coffee with your mates, you might want to wipe your face down. I know it might sound a bit OTT for your gym bag, but it can come in quite handy and be really good for skin care as well.

Hairbands – They come in handy as well. I’m sure the guys out there don’t need to know about that one, but it’s good for the girls!

So there it is, pack it the night before and you have the convenience wherever you go.

Starting from scratch?

So you’re new to the gym but ready to get serious about your workouts? That gym bag is going to get a pretty good workout too.

The 12WBT team have put together a checklist of basic gym equipment to get you started:

A backpack – A light backpack with straps is the best way to distribute the weight of your gear as you carry it.

Good quality training shoes – Before  you say your old shoes are fine, read our blog post on why it’s so important to choose the right running shoes. Well-fitting, absorbent socks are important too.

A training outfit – Choose light, stretchy, hard-wearing and easily washable fabrics as they’ll be on high rotation if you’re working up a sweat.

Chest support – Girls will need a really good sports bra with breathable panels. Get a proper fitting, and pick one with straps that can connect to cross over for those super bouncy workouts.

Spare undies – If you’re not going straight home, you’ll appreciate them.

A sleeveless vest – Great for cooler weather as it keeps your core warm.

Cap and sunscreen – Essential if you’re training outside.

Heart rate monitor – A heart rate monitor is important if you want to keep track of calories burned and your fitness levels. Check out our story on how to choose a heart rate monitor and use it correctly

A great playlist – A workout is so much more fun with tunes! Load your phone or iPod up with great tracks (try our running playlist for inspiration). And get some good headphones that won’t fall out of your ears or off your head.

Tracker – If you’re starting a new lifestyle of more walking and less driving, why not grab a tracker to count your steps.

Chafing gel – If you’re suffering from rubbing, apply chafing gel to the bits that rub and you’ll feel much better.

Happy shopping and happy training!

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