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Ten Tips For A Successful 12WBT Round

Looking to put your best foot forward for this coming year? We’re here for you and are excited to go on this journey to help reach your health and fitness goals.

To give you a spark of inspiration and make sure you maintain a fit and healthy routine, we reached out to our superstar members. We asked them for their top tips that have helped them have a successful 12WBT Round and what’s kept them on track.

Here’s what they had to say.

  1. Meal prep is key! Have structure and take each day as it comes. – Stacey
  2. It’s not about perfection, it is about trying hard, staying consistent and giving yourself support and time. – Lucy
  3. Search the recipes index using your favourite ingredients to get new ideas so your weekly meal plan will consist of foods you will enjoy. Shop what’s fresh in season and on special to help with recipe choices and always try at least one new 12WBT recipe / ingredient that you may never have tried before. Freeze ingredients for later e.g. when avocados, bananas or mangoes are on special and in abundance. Prep them and freeze for future use. – Lorraine
  4. If you go over your calories don’t be too hard on yourself. Reset the next day and try to keep to the limit. – Kim
  5. Meals and smoothies in the freezer! Plan snacks night before. I have my brekkie, lunch and snacks ready to go so all I have to do is grab it out if the fridge. Find exercise that you enjoy and change it up. Set yourself a step goal as well! – Rina
  6. Make lunch the same as dinner the night before as it saves prep time during the day or before work. It helps with the mid-arvo hanger if you’ve had a good, filling lunch. – Emm
  7. Add some jazz to your water by adding lemon/lime juice or berries so it’s not so boring! Also good if you struggle to get your water intake in. – Jen
  8. Weigh in the same day, each week and use that as a goal. – Matilda
  9. Believe in yourself because you can do it! Learn how to use the 12WBT to change your attitude and outlook both personally and professionally. – Deb
  10. You are never going to find 12 weeks that are free from celebrations, occasions, holidays, parties, so just jump in and start somewhere! Live the life you want starting today! It’s a journey not a destination, so enjoy it along the way. As long as you’re travelling in the direction you want don’t worry about the hills and valleys, fix your eyes on your long term goals. JFDI! – Clare

There you have it – ten amazing tips for a successful 12WBT Round that have come straight from our 12WBT rockstars! If you haven’t yet taken the plunge, join 12WBT today and let’s get started!

12 weeks to transform your life

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What's it all about?

Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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