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How to Make Monday Feel Like Friday in 5 Steps

It’s the dreaded seven-letter word no one wants to hear on a Sunday……Monday.

If you’ve ever self-diagnosed with the Sunday blues, this is just for you!

1. Prep on a Friday instead of Sunday

At the end of your week, take some time to plan for the week ahead.

Save yourself the stress of trying to figure out your life on a Sunday and spend it enjoying the weekend. You’ll feel better heading into Monday.

Plan what you’ll be making for dinner, what activities you have on, and if there’s anything that needs to be done for work. A to-do list is pure gold in the game of prep!

2. Book a date night

Give Monday a chance to show you the beauty of a date night. Spend some time with your partner, friends, family or your beloved pet. You don’t have to do anything fancy (or do), just an activity to set precedence for the rest of the week.

You deserve to have something to look forward to at the end of your day – go see a movie, head out to dinner, go bowling, whatever it is, enjoy it!

3. Break a sweat

Friday has this magical power of relaxing you and exciting you for the weekend! Although there’s no weekend after Monday (devastating reality), releasing some serotonin through exercise on a Monday can give you those Friday feels.

J. Kip Matthews, a sport and exercise psychologist, explains that your brain increases production of serotonin while exercising which makes you feel happier. So do yourself a favour and hit the gym. 

Also read: These 30-Minute Workouts Will Burn 500 Calories

4. Meditate first thing in the morning

If you haven’t meditated before, kick yourself immediately, metaphorically speaking. Meditation is the simplest and most powerful tool you can use to create a peaceful mind and focus on being present.

The feeling of relaxation you get from a Friday afternoon can be achieved with 5-10 minutes of meditation, first thing in the morning. Say namaste to the zen life!

5. Mind over matter

Along with meditation, using mind over matter is crucial to how you do Monday, and every day!

You will notice that the power of your mind controls how you behave and react to everything. Choose to begin your Monday with a positive mind, regardless of how many back-to-back meetings you have, or all the chores you need to do.

Take each moment as it comes and remember to not sweat the little things. How you react to Monday is a powerful way of dictating the rest of your week.

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