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Is Someone Trying to Sabotage Your Diet?

We all know one: the person who tells you you’re starting to look too thin, or the friend who insists you must have a slice of birthday cake. On the surface they may all mean well, but the outcome is the same – they’re trying to sabotage your diet.

Most people would think that when you are losing weight, your partner would be your keenest supporter. As you drop kilos however, you may be surprised to discover that they may be trying to put you off your goals of a healthier, trimmer body because they’re scared that, as you slim down, your new look could attract more attention, that you might become dissatisfied with the rest of your life staying the same while you are making changes, and that you might even leave them.

Sabotage-busting tip #1: reassurance

Reassure your partner that losing weight is important to improve your health and wellbeing – and the better you feel, the more likely you will be able to contribute to a happy relationship with them.

As you lose weight some of your friendships might start to feel a little strained. Your friends might be jealous of your success, resentful of the attention you are getting or feel guilty that you’re doing something about your weight and health, when perhaps they need to do something about their own.

Sabotage-busting tip #2: the value of support

Help those closest to you to stop feeling threatened by telling them how important their friendship is to you and how much you value their support as you make these important changes in your life.

Away from home, diet sabotage can often come in the form of workplace treats – whether it’s celebration cakes or calorie-laden coffees – and they are often bought by the slimmest member of staff. Put simply, it may be they just don’t understand! They may have never struggled with their weight and just don’t realise how hard you’ve worked to get where you are and think that it is sill for you to worry about what you eat.

Also read: 10 Ways to De-stress Quickly

Sabotage-busting tip #3: a polite reminder

Remind them politely that you are on a diet, and if they persist in including you in the cake run, ask them why they are doing this when they know you’re trying to make healthier choices. That puts the ball back in their court (and the cake back in the cake box).

Sabotage-busting tip #4: focus on your goals

Of course, the biggest diet saboteur around could be you. Think about what you have done in the past that has held you back from achieving your goals, not just with weight loss but in any area of your life. For example, if you find yourself messing up your diet by ‘comfort’ eating each evening, try to figure out what your ‘discomfort’ actually is – is it tiredness, boredom, anger, frustration, loneliness? Once you can isolate a reason for your sabotaging behaviour, you are more likely to be able to do something constructive about it.

Whenever a diet saboteur pops up, focus on your successes so far and you are far more likely to achieve your goal of a healthier, fitter and more active life.

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