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The 12 Days of Christmas Challenge

Don’t approach the run-up to Christmas with dread! It can be hard to stay on track, but not impossible.

Take our ’12 Days of Christmas’ challenge: each day, tackle something that always trips you up, and at the end of the 12 days, buy yourself a rewarding pressie. Have it sitting under the tree on Christmas Day!

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Write out a goal to smash every day for the next 12 days (big or small)
  2. Say you’re doing it – out loud!
  3. Nominate a pressie to buy yourself as a reward on the 25th

Need a little inspiration on what to put down as your challenges? Here are some common issues we come across all the time at 12WBT:

1.    Check your excuses

Look at your own inner voice here. What is your pattern, and what stories do you tell around not getting the job done?

2.     Scale it back

Do you jump on these each day and freak out if you have gained 300 grams, and feel bottomed out all day because of this? Try not to focus so much on the scales, or at least only check-in every week (rather than daily).

3.     Lack of preparation

Getting caught without the right food at hand due to lack of planning and preparation can hamper your progress. Start planning your meals and snacks every day.

Also read: Letting Go Of All-Or-Nothing Thinking

4.     Lethargy

“I’m too tired”, “I have to rest instead of exercising”, and “I have no energy” are all excuses and while they may be true, let’s look at why you feel this way and put your attention towards cleaning up your nutrition and sleeping patterns.

5.     Time management

Could you prioritise your exercise over other tasks? Having a family can throw your plans out, but there are definitely other things that can take a back seat until you have finished your workout.

6.     Boredom

Falling off the wagon due to ‘boredom’ is very common AND an excuse. If you’re not feeling pumped for your workouts, use the tools on hand to spice things up! Express Workouts, different equipment and/or different locations are all fantastic ways to include variety.

Also read: No Time? No Problem. Express Workouts To Fit Your Life

7.     Confusion

Paralysis by analysis! Don’t fall into the trap of needing to know the most scientific and technical logic for each mode of training. Resist the urge to dissect, it’s not necessary and only hinders your time devoted to the really important stuff – doing it!

8.     Cut the crap

Make an effort to rid of processed foods/soft drinks/toxins to see how this affects your output.

9.     Water

Set a timer at intervals to get your body clock in routine to remind you it’s time to sip that H20!

Also read: How Much Water Do You Really Need to Drink?

1o.    Bad habits

Make a note of the things that are unhelpful to your progress and next to each, an alternative to replace this with.

11.  Stick within your calories

Yo-yoing your calories is not a great way to plan your days. Eating large amounts one day and then virtually nothing the day after to ‘compensate’ is not conducive to a balanced lifestyle. Aim to achieve momentum with adherence to the calorie guidelines and make a deal with yourself to commit!

12.  Alcohol

Party season is closing in and it’s time to give yourself some sensible ground rules here. Moderation is totally fine and you know how much is too much. Have a plan and the worst thing to do at a function is to announce that you’re not drinking, as then everyone’s focus is on you, why you’re not and then trying to lure you in!

Also read: 5 Tips for Staying Healthy at the Christmas Party

You can do this – get stuck in!

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Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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