
Meet Our 12WBT November Round Award Winners!

We know that all our 12WBTers are a pack of legends, but each round we shout out a few that we (and our 12WBTers) reckon are outstanding members of our team. Our 12WBT Transformers wowed us with their transformations – both inside and out – and our 12WBT Heroes were nominated by a fellow 12WBT member who saw them go above and beyond in encompassing the 12WBT spirit. Well done to all our winners for November Round!

12WBT Transformers

Ashleigh (aka ashleighdunnett93)


After signing up for 12WBT, Ashleigh lost 10kg and 19.5cm in one round.

“I didn’t even realise I had that much to lose! I underwent ankle reconstructive surgery in October and so unfortunately was unable to master the fitness test to my full potential. However back in December, after I was confidently walking again I managed to jog consistently which I haven’t been able to do in years! My body felt so light and it felt absolutely wonderful. That was definitely one of my biggest goals – to be able to go for a run.”

Before starting 12WBT Ashleigh never cooked, but that all changed when she started the program.

“I had absolutely no idea what I was doing in the kitchen! I would eat when I was bored, and buy my lunch every day. Now, I cook every night for myself and my sister, as well as prepare our lunches and snacks for the next day. In doing this I reach for my healthy pre-prepared snacks instead of a chocolate bar, and I’m saving money as I don’t buy my lunch every day! I definitely intend to continue being organised with my meals, it makes life so much easier.”

Ashleigh’s so glad she joined up for 12WBT out of the blue.

“I never planned on it, I just felt as though it was time for me to make a change and thought, ‘why not?’. Without a doubt it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”

Well done Ashleigh!

Samantha (aka romans01)


Before joining 12WBT Samantha labeled herself the ‘I’m-too-tired-to-do-anything Excuse Maker’ – now she’s the ‘Routine Maker’!

The highlight of her 12WBT journey? “Definitely fitting back in to my size 10 clothes! I had a pair of jeans that I used to wear regularly. During the middle of last year I decided to try them on, and was devastated that they didn’t go up past my hips – I had no idea I had let myself go to that extent. Just before Christmas I thought I’d try them on again, and they fit!”

Mish’s Mindset Lessons meant Samantha was constantly taking steps forward.

“My focus and willpower have increased ten-fold. There’s a level of accountability with 12WBT that you just don’t have when you’re doing it on your own. So if you’re tempted to slip up or indulge in something you shouldn’t, you have a huge community to help you be mindful about your choices.”

Samantha learnt the power of being organised, and now loves to pre-prepare many of her meals.

“My freezer is full of healthy options for nights where I really just can’t be bothered cooking! I’ve also become a morning person – even on my rest days I’m waking up at 5.30am which helps me achieve a lot more during the day.”

That’s a recipe for success Samantha!

Zhantelle (aka Zhantelle)

biog_pics_ZhantelleZhantelle’s lost over 13 kilos, and says one of her greatest achievements happened during the November Round: “I ran outside in public for the first time in 7 years!”

Zhantelle’s made huge improvements to both her health, and her mindset.

“My fitness level has improved greatly throughout these past 12 weeks. I now look forward to and enjoy workouts – and no longer dread doing them. I am not only physically stronger thanks to 12WBT, I have found a new sense of self. I used to be embarrassed to leave the house in summer in a singlet because my arms were huge, and I would always walk around in jeans and a jumper no matter what season of the year it was. My self esteem has soared since starting 12WBT, I am a much more confident person and I am now proud to be noticed in public.”

Each week Zhantelle chose a new motivational screen saver for her phone. The one that stuck out the most to her said: ‘Three months from now you’ll thank yourself’.

Before 12WBT Zhantelle says she was most definitely ‘The Procrastinator’, and would find any reason or excuse to get out of exercise or to not eat right.

“After 12WBT I am now ‘The Doer’. I now make excuses to get out of the house and exercise, and I also make conscious efforts as to what I put into my body.”

Amanda (aka Angel137)


Amanda’s lost (and kept off) 12 kilos and shed more than 50cms, and she looks and feels amazing!

Her inspiration? Her children.

“My biggest achievement is for my girls. I want them to look at mum who may not look like a model but who’s healthy, active, positive and loves herself enough to only do better for herself not compete or compare with someone else!”

Before starting 12WBT, Amanda described herself as ‘The tired-chocolate-munching-mumma’. Now? ‘The organised-fun-healthy-mumma!’

Amanda’s rediscovered her love of meal planning and prepping to keep her on track.

“Time permitting I go through the 12WBT Meal Plan and get prepped. I write out how my meat is to be cut and quantities for the weeks’ meals then I go through and cut and bag it as per recipe (ie 200g of strips, 150g of cubes etc). It saves so much time cooking dinner at witching hour with the kids.”

Natalie (aka natty25)

biog_pics_Natalie (1)12WBTer Natalie’s transformation has been truly remarkable. “I can’t believe how much my life has changed not just physically but mentally- I’m so positive I can’t understand why for years I held myself back I was my own worst enemy I didn’t like myself and I wasn’t living the life I deserved. I have learnt it’s ok to put myself first because you only get one body and you have to love it to love yourself and be healthy, fit and happy!”

Natalie lost an amazing 42kg and 149cm off her body. Before starting 12WBT she could barely look at herself in the mirror, and hated having her picture taken. But all that’s changed.

“I love me, I feel amazing inside and out and I have learnt how to love myself again and be in control of my life again. Before 12WBT I was the excuse maker, putting everything in the too-hard-basket! Nothing was ever my fault!” Now? “I’m the organization queen! The planner! The go getter! The try-harder and the achiever! And the non-excuse maker!”.

We call that a complete turnaround.



12WBT Heroes

Jenni (aka jen_justjen)


12WBT Hero Jenni is a changed woman.

“12WBT has saved my life. I was just surviving at 130kg, now I’m living!” she says.

Jenni is now the best version of herself. Her biggest achievement? Park Run!

“It was such a mental blocker for me. I’ve had the bar codes printed and laminated for over 12 months and it just sat in my cupboard. I was so intimidated by the distance, exercising it front of (gulp) ‘fit people’ and made excuses that as a single mum, I couldn’t possibly do it! With the support of my teammates in Member Zone, New Years Day Park Run loomed and I vowed to JFDI. And I did! It felt fabulous!”

Jenni’s got on a new lease on life: “I’m kinder on myself and give myself more credit for what I’ve achieved and what I’m capable of. For too long I’ve sold myself short and never been brave enough to really push myself.”

Her 12WBT tips? “Being a single mum who works full time in a job which requires travel at times I’ve had to really get organised. Sunday cook ups are a must, perfect for those in the door at 6.30pm with a hungry tired child in tow. No excuses to make poor food choices. When travelling my first point of call is to local market to stock my apartment fridge so I can prep my own meals instead of eating out all the time. I’m all about meals that are delicious and nutritious!”

Amazing work, Jenni!

Jen (aka jen_yes41)


Jen is fitter at 60 than she was at 20, 30, 40, 50. Imagine that!

“I am now a RUNNER, I am so proud that I am going to run 10kms tomorrow and I will ENJOY it. How did that happen? Yes, I’ve lost weight and just reached my healthy range, but it’s so much more than that. I like my body, I might even love it. It’s been abused for decades and it still works fine when treated properly. Sure, it’s a little battered, and dimpled and wrinkly, but it goes a bit like a well tuned vintage sports car (without the style I might add).”

Jen’s also changing long-held eating habits, and is prove that it’s never too late to start making healthy choices.

“I have begun to think about what the food is going to do for me.  Will it give me the short term and long term energy I need to do my run? That is so different to thinking about the ten second taste in my mouth – and then regretting the nutritionally void thing I just ate.”

Jen’s tip for keeping her sessions fun? “I have nice colourful workout gear to make me feel good even if I’m working out at home.”

Jen, you’re an inspiration!

Kate (aka kate_incredible22)

biog_pics_KateAfter breast cancer treatment in 2009, Kate had lost her mojo.

“After having a very active life previously, it was disheartening to come to a stand still. Then I found Mish and 12WBT. I joined on a whim, and after seven years of zero activity, I got my mojo back!”

Kate started slowly, but from the first Mindset Video with Mish on day one, she was hooked. “I can do the intermediate exercise for most of the workouts now. That’s amazing to my 54 year old me!”

From there Kate hasn’t looked back – and can proudly say that she now loves exercise! Before doing 12WBT she confesses that she was “the biggest procrastinator in the world!”

Now, she JFDIs and loves how she feels about herself after achieving mini targets and long-term goals.

“I love how I feel after my workout! I never knew that feeling of satisfaction before starting 12WBT. This is the most inspirational and supportive place to tackle all these goals. I’m so glad I found it!”

Nicole (aka NicoleImpey)

biog_pics_NicoleNicole is a totally different person to who she used to be.

“Doing 12WBT I have lost over 20kg and I can now run 10km! Both seemed completely impossible to me 18 months ago!”

It’s not just her body that’s changed. “I have so much more confidence and better self-esteem now, and I am more mindful of how I am feeling and what my body needs. I like to think I am mentally tougher – I had a lot of incredible highs and incredible lows during a few of my rounds, but 12WBT grounded me and allowed me to focus on the things that I could control.”

Nicole’s family have benefited from her new lifestyle too.

“12WBT has completely changed the way we eat in my household! We don’t have a lot of ‘treat’ food (in fact a friend now calls our pantry ‘boring’), and we have hundreds of fantastic wholesome and delicious recipes at our fingertips! I am much more organised in planning for the week by writing out a menu and shopping list on the weekend and being prepared. Also, I am more consistent with my exercise and realise that sometimes things are not going to go to plan and that is OK!”

Nicole’s given herself and her family the greatest gift of all – her health.

“I don’t even want to think about where my health and mindset would be if I hadn’t signed up to 12WBT in August 2014. It may sound cliché but 12WBT has truly turned my life around and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

Catherine (aka LaTerca)

biog_pics_CatherineTo say Catherine has changed her life is an understatement. Her achievements just keep coming…and coming.

“Since starting 12WBT I am so much fitter and more adventurous. October last year saw me taking part in, and completing the Oxfam Trailwalker 50km with my teammates. I ran the entire distance at the Sydney city2surf last year. I’ve completed Miss Muddy, Stampede, Western Mudd Rush and participated in Muddy Hell. I’ve done Color Runs, park runs and running events up to 14km in length.”

Phew, go Catherine!

It’s not just the physical achievements that she’s proud of, but her mindset, too.

“I have learnt to be loving and forgiving towards myself, rather than be my harshest critic. I’ve learnt to embrace my body, and work with it.”

Catherine used to call herself a ‘why would I do that’ person: “Why would I eat healthy, exercise, workout? It’s all too hard.”

Now she’d call herself ‘an Adventurer’: “I have met so many amazing people through 12WBT who have helped change my life for the better.”


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2 thoughts on “Meet Our 12WBT November Round Award Winners!

  1. I feel very inspired just from reading all your stories. It’s giving me the kick in the pants I need. Thanks for sharing

  2. I love this! I am so proud of each and everyone of you, you all look amazing and should be so proud of yourselves xx

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