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Meet Our Amazing March 17 Round Winners

Reviewed by: Erica Grandjean, APD, BNutr&Diet

Just what does it take – mentally and physically – to stick to a program like 12WBT?

Committing to a life-changing routine can be daunting, especially if your habits and thought patterns are so deeply ingrained into who you are.

We asked our extraordinary March 2017 End of Round Winners for their motivation hacks, no matter how big or small.



I have always been a person who cooks from home and does exercise but I found when starting the program I ate too much.

The biggest change I have made is weighing my ingredients, something so small makes the biggest difference in weight loss. I will continue to do this for however long it takes.


I view each good food choice as a reward for my body and each work out as an opportunity to do something for me.

It helps to ignore the desire for treats as the good stuff is now my “treat” food. I imagine my body feeling comforted by great nutrients and draw positive energy from knowing what I am doing will help me be the best mum/wife/friend/human being I can be.



I like to reward myself for completing an event successfully with some workout clothes!


There are a few simple things: going to the gym early rather than in the evening when I’m tired; ‘treating’ myself in the evening by saving a few calories to have an after-dinner snack, like popcorn or baked cinnamon apple; getting my gym clothes out the night before so I’m not so rushed to go before work.


I get my children involved in choosing some of the evening meals, and have the plan printed out on the fridge – I make a note on it of any additions/adjustments that need making for the rest of the family.

Evenings are a bit crazy with kids, sports etc, so I print out all the recipes and have them in a folder in the kitchen. That way, even if my husband gets home first and ends up cooking, everything is there ready for him.

Also read: How I Lost 60kg on 12WBT


make a ‘rice bag’ each weigh-in, equivalent to my loss each week, and place it in a bag so I can see and feel how I am progressing.

I also buy a new item of clothing I wish to fit into each Round, and aim to fit into it at the end of the Round!



My tip that has helped me through the 12WBT is to remember that if you fall of the wagon you can get straight back on you don’t have to wait for a new day!


I take a minute to check myself out in the mirror whilst in my underwear and tell myself that I look banging – and I can only be better!


I always try and drink a 600ml bottle of water while driving to the train station each morning on the way to work to get a good start to the water tally for the day.


Whenever I’m feeling tempted to eat something unhealthy and calorie-laden, I look back on my before photo, and think about all the bad decisions that lead me down that road in the past.

This usually deters me from eating the unhealthy food in front of me, or at the very least helps me decide if I really feel like it or not.

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Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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