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Why You Need To Vary Your Workout Routine

Reviewed by: Tim Pittorino, BHSC

So, you may be aware that recently I had a shakeup in my workout routine. And by shake up, I mean huge, scary, tidal shift in everything I am confident about. I left my comfort zone and traded in my activewear and sneakers for sequins and stilettos and joined the cast of Dancing With The Stars.

Going into the competition, I was well aware that I was not a dancer – but that excited (and scared) me!  It has been an opportunity for me to push myself, to challenge my abilities, learn something new, and, of course, my favourite, challenge my cardio in a very new way.

So it got me thinking, there are so many benefits to shaking up your routine, and I thoroughly encourage everyone to try. At 12WBT, if you’ve done a few rounds of beginner or intermediate, why not try Lean and Strong or The Half Marathon training? It may be daunting at first – but as I’ve learnt, the payoff is one million percent worth it!

Why You Should Shake Up Your Routine


1. You’re in a fitness rut

You find yourself quitting earlier; you’re constantly looking at the clock; and your workout is, well, boring. Guess what, you’re in a fitness rut. Now don’t get me wrong, the fact you’ve been developing a routine and fitting a workout into your daily schedule IS impressive, but if you do the same thing every time you workout, you won’t get the most out of your workout. Each time you workout out, it becomes less and less effective.

2. Your Body Isn’t Changing

The reality is that when it comes to exercise, the more you do something, the easier it becomes. When you’re working out, you’re putting stress on your body, and then during recovery, your body is improving it’s ability to handle that. Once your body starts to get used to one style of exercise – whether that’s a squat, or running 5kms, you’ll burn fewer calories. That doesn’t mean changing your workout every session, but upping the ante or trying something new once realising you’re plateauing is a great strategy.

3. Personal Growth

One of the best things you can do for your headspace is to push yourself outside your comfort zone. It’s scary, it’s intimidating, but man, is it worth it! Trust me, after dancing in front of ALL of Australia, I understand that very well. So get out there, try a new gym class, try a new hobby or try one of the 12WBT programs that you always thought ‘wasn’t for you’. You won’t believe the new level of confidence you’ll gain. Do something for yourself, you deserve it.

Mish Xxx

Also Read: The best meals to fuel your cardio dance workout

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Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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