
Foods to Keep You Fuller For Longer

We’ve all been there, stomach growling after what we think is a healthy breakfast and counting the minutes until lunch. Especially when trying to lose weight, choosing the right foods is essential to feeling full, and having the energy to exercise and live life. Help curb your hunger with these snack and meal ideas from 12WBT dietitian Erica Grandjean.


The essential components to staying fuller for longer

Foods that contain protein, fat and/or fibre are harder to for our bodies to breakdown. They pass through the stomach at a slower rate, take longer to digest and as a result, provide a slower release of energy and keep us feeling fuller for longer. As an example, eat an apple and you probably don’t feel full for long. But, eat an apple with some cottage cheese, peanut butter or a few unsalted nuts and that humble apple will last a lot longer!

Also read: Best Snacks for Weight Loss

A healthy snack formula

I encourage our 12WBT Members to choose snacks that contain at least two of these nutrients: protein, fat and fibre. Here’s why:

  • Protein takes longer to digest, as it’s an energy intensive process.
  • Fat slows gastric emptying (i.e. the speed at which food passes though the stomach).
  • Fibre takes longer to digest, and slows the release of energy into the blood stream.

Some yummy snack ideas to keep us full

  • An apple with peanut/almond butter.
  • Yoghurt with berries or a sprinkle of pumpkin/chia/sunflower seeds.
  • A boiled egg with a small handful of raw almonds.
  • Carrot/capsicum/cucumber sticks with hummus or cottage cheese.

Main meal ideas to keep you full

For main meals, this is my healthy plate formula:

  • 1/2 of the plate is non-starchy vegetables.
  • ¼ of the plate is quality protein (e.g. meat, fish, chicken, eggs, tofu, legumes).
  • ¼ of the plate is low GI carbohydrates (e.g. sweet potato, basmati rice, pasta, quinoa, etc.) and a little healthy fat (i.e. olive oil when cooking, olive oil drizzled on a salad, avocado on the side, etc.).

This is a great formula for keeping you feeling full – you can eat quite a volume of food, without having to take on loads of energy/calories. Plus, you’ll be getting the nutrients you need to thrive each day, so give some of these combos a try.


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3 thoughts on “Foods to Keep You Fuller For Longer

  1. Do you have any articles or advice for people who live on college campus and have all meals provided. They were pretty good to start with but have quickly turned to lots of carbs and fats.. We don’t have much of a budget for food outside this (maybe $20-30 a fortnight) but need to lose weight…

    (We are in Australia)

  2. wow this is great ideas I am 53 yrs old have crazy body makeup even Gloria jeans say im an alien,,, lol my body is holding body fats I have done a nutrabullit diet slash change of eating pattern to try and have my hair nail body back to when I was little younger I had six pack right up till I was 42-43 I have had 8 kids no stretch marks great body for my age just wish to tone so bad and feel and look great,,,i have had few falls so I have injury’s witch is not permitting me to be able to do sit up lifts carid much I walk 1-2 hrs every second to third day use to be every day but tier out to quick now im doing lots fruit and veg some times,, 2 meals breakfast and dinner I replace, loosing weight slowly getting weak cant take iron I have lazy bowel syndrome have lots of allergies so yes alien,,,,it makes me depprest so I don’t no what to do any more protein’s I cant take to much in the blood and cholesterol,,,,pls help no one else can,,,

    1. Hi denice,

      Wow, 8 children is quite an achievement – respect to you! It sounds like you have quite a few health concerns/dietary requirements at the moment – we’d suggest that you have a chat to your doctor about the best ways to regain your energy, health and fitness. We recommend that you get the all clear from your health professional to embark on a structured health and fitness program – 12WBT can definitely help you on your journey as well. We’re all about eating a variety of wholesome foods every day, that fit your individual requirements, and exercising in a way that makes your body feel good. Everyone is different which is why there are so many programs and options, that way you can make this work for you.

      By eating 3 main meals per day and some healthy snacks, you’ll be receiving the nutrients you need to thrive each day… and improve your health. The Move Program may be a great place for you to start exercise wise, as it’s low impact and low intensity, with 4 days of workouts… you can read more about it here –

      For more information, email – we’d love to have you onboard!

      12WBT Support Crew

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