
Top Nutrition Tips From Our Dietitian Lisa

I’ve just turned 44 and I can tell you, things are changing for me! I am becoming acutely aware of how my joints creak when I go from sit to stand. I know from research that metabolically my internal furnace is not as efficient as it once was. I am drawn to hiking and yoga rather than my once loved half marathons and Body Attack classes. Things are changing, but I refuse to slow down.

It’s time for me to switch up rather than switch off! Calling ladies over 40…I wanted to share my top nutrition tips with YOU! So, this is what I know and what I plan to do!

It’s time to eat more healthy fats!

Gone are the days of low fat eating…One of my biggest nutrition tips is to eat healthy fats! It’s time to embrace the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids as well as mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This will be beneficial to my heart, my skin and hair as well as curbing my appetite! A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil over my vegetables, a sprinkling of nuts and seeds over my weet-bix, some smashed avocado on my toast and oily fish a few times each week.

Also read: Supermarket Snacks: Here’s What Our Dietitians Recommend

Try fermented foods

I have long turned my nose up to pickled and fermented foods… but the health benefits have caught my attention and I have grown to like the taste of sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and tempeh. Fermented foods have been shown to benefit digestion, boost immunity and calm inflammation. In this particular phase of my life I need all the help I can get!

Drink more water

I am the first to admit that a cup of tea or coffee is far more appealing than a glass of water, however, I am trying really hard to change this. Without sounding vain, I know that proper hydration is also going to make my skin more vibrant and slow down premature skin ageing. Along with that, being well hydrated assists my low blood pressure and aid digestion.

Get restorative sleep

I have noticed in the last few years that deep, restorative sleep is hard to come by! I have also found that falling asleep is harder… I have put in place a ‘no screens after 8pm rule’ and I am trying to meditate, read or listen to audiobooks and breathing exercises to help me wind down and switch off. I also find doing activity outside during waking hours really helps with my sleep, as well as not eating so close to bed time! Restorative sleep is incredibly important so I encourage you to check in with your own sleep habits.

Move for enjoyment

Many years ago my approach to exercise was to manage my weight or to burn off calories… These days I choose to move for enjoyment and use fitness as part of keeping my stress at bay. Long walks a few times a week as well as some pilates or yoga brings me so much pleasure. I have also been known to attend the old Bollywood dance class for fun! It’s OK to change up what you do physically as you age… just don’t stop moving, and eating delicious, nutritious foods!

There you have it ladies, my top nutrition tips which will help you in the long run! If you have any of your own tips, share them in the comments below!

Lisa xx

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