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Contemplating Another Round Of 12WBT? Here’s What You Need To Know!

Thinking about signing up for a consecutive round of 12WBT, but worried about how to make it a success? Beginning a new round of 12WBT can be daunting for many reasons. Perhaps you’re nervous that you won’t follow through, or that previous obstacles will hinder you from reaching your full potential, or that it will be impossible to maintain a consistent approach to your exercise and nutrition.

That’s normal and there’s no need to worry!

We’ve got some pointers to help you set yourself up for your 12WBT adventure and arm yourself for success.

Complete Pre-Season in thorough detail.

With each round, your goals are most likely going to change up a bit and even if the theme of them is similar, your approach to your routine will need some tweaking to offer a challenge.

Make a plan and get your routine locked in!

Tackle problematic red flags and systematise your schedule with ways to get around these. If you have been tripped up in the past by certain triggers or situations, make a plan of action to work through them successfully. Build your schedule into a daily habit and not a forced process

Keep a tight personal diary.

Logging your workouts, meals, hydration and energy levels. Is there some room to up the ante?

Set new goals. 

Why not think about a new training goal and try something different. Running, group training, weight training or even a different training location altogether.


Assess how you have approached previous rounds; noting highlights and times where you feel you missed the mark. If you nailed your exercise, but your nutrition left a little to be desired, perhaps commit to a laser focus with this for the round.

Use the mini-milestones to set non-scale related goals.

12WBT is so much more than a Fitness Program, so why not dive into the other aspects of the Program and work on YOU as the bigger picture, by using the Mindset Tools and reading through our extensive Blog Section.

Revisit commitments.

If you have something that niggled away throughout the previous round, perhaps consider locking in a commitment to follow through on actions to combat this. Choosing the right level of Program and sticking with the correct calorie level to match that is the dynamic duo and staying consistent once this is in place is where the magic happens. 

Future proof.

Plan ahead and make sure that you’re adopting a lifestyle, not a temporary fix. Finding ways to make your plans work for you, without resistance to them, can be key in making your ongoing success an effortless process.

Take care of yourself.

Take the time to carve out some TLC while you are working on your new Round. Putting attention on the other areas of self-care, such as great quality sleep/downtime, stretching and maybe even implementing some meditation could be nice extras to compliment your overall routine.

Find your tribe.

Do your best to align with people that are supportive of your vision and ones that inspire you to set lofty goals! Once you have ticked off your initial goals… raise the bar with restarting the process and the sky’s the limit!

To join 12WBT now, or to learn more about our fitness and nutrition programs, visit us here!

12 weeks to transform your life

From $9.99 per week

What's it all about?

Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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Or jump into our next round

From $9.99 per week

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