Fitness Community

September End Of Round Winners

Every round we continue to be amazed at the dedication of all our 12WBT members and your commitment to improving your health and fitness. September 2018 round went off with a bang, and these are our incredible End of Round Winners.

Well done to everyone who participated – you truly are an inspiration!

September End Of Round Winners

Kate Brady

Sept Winners

My initial focus was on weight loss and then I transferred to the strength program once I got near my goal weight. The weight loss has continued but my muscle tone is developing too. I’m now back to a weight I was some 20 years ago and feel great!

Before starting, I lacked motivation to exercise despite having all kinds of exercise equipment at home. I was investigating gyms, exercise programs, weight loss programs and decided to give 12WBT a go. 12WBT was a cost effective, all inclusive program. It helps me JFDI, especially getting the exercise done in the morning at 4am. Any extra lunch time walks are a bonus!

Ambe Long


My Mum passed away the week the 1st round began and I can tell you, 12WBT  has helped me incredibly.

I have paced myself, not allowed myself to wallow but to grieve and go forward knowing my Mum would want me fit and healthy, body, mind and Spirit. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know your program works.

It takes persistence, discipline, hard but rewarding work and knowing I am worthy of self care. I believe that I am made with a purpose, so, looking after myself in order to achieve my goals is a worthwhile endeavour. So grateful for you!

Tamara Verity

Tamara Verity Winners

The physical achievements I’m particularly proud of are my weight loss of over 10kg and also my ability to run. Prior to this I would struggle to run a continuous 500m. Now I am running nearly daily and last weekend I partook in the Murray Quad which was a local event where I ran and completed a continuous 7km.

Since undertaking this program my self esteem has greatly improved- I’m able to look in the mirror and be proud of who I see. This has also extended elsewhere in that I’m able to believe in how strong and determined I am and so my family and friends are now commenting on how much happier I am. Further, I’ve realised how capable I am physically and so I’m able to push my willpower and achieve greater results where I would have previously stopped and told myself that’s all I’m capable of.

Mark Reed


I’m especially proud to have lost the weight as well as reducing the size of my waist. 

I can now tie up my shoe laces without huffing and puffing but most of all I can once again jog for pleasure without feeling like I’m going to collapse. I even purchased an exercise bike! I now know that I don’t have to sweeten everything to make it taste better, in actual fact I don’t have sugar at all.

Before 12WBT I was just plodding along, not even thinking of my health and ballooning out. After 30 years in the regular army I became depressed because I knew better but wasn’t motivated to do anything about it. The things I loved, I had stopped doing all due to my weight.

Now I’m a MB12WBT promoter. I’m a self starter once again and I don’t have to run for cover if my shirt is off. I can not believe how easy it was to get back on track and loose the weight with 12WBT.

Every other diet I tried had little result. 12WBT taught me about food as well as losing weight.

I’m better positioned to maintain or continue to lose weight as I now understand food.

Amy Reid


I began this round below beginner level. It was devastating to me to think my fitness had became so very limited. Throughout this round, I increased my fitness score by 27 points. This was achieved despite having plantar fascitits, tendonitis and a heel spur all in my right foot. The 12wbt support crew gave me great advice, and with the additional guidance of a podiatrist and sports physiotherapist, I was still able to exercise, and love it!

I actually really love cooking from home now, which I never have done before. The simple to follow recipes leave me feeling like Im a MasterChef. The vibrant colours on my plate actually bring me happiness. Taking my lunch in to work, I display it to my colleagues the same way that they might show off their pet photos to me. It’s become a real source of pride for me. “Look what I have made. Me. I made this. No you cant have some, I logged its calories already. But you may smell how good it is!”

Courtney Milton



Undoubtedly my most proud physical achievement is losing over 16kg & getting into the 70kgs. This is a weight I haven’t been for over 10 years.  I also love that I can fit into old clothes I couldn’t ever throw away. That’s what losing 48cm will do!

I have realised that its not all about weight loss. There is so much more to living a healthier life that takes you from being alive, to actually living life.

I found that I actually like what I see in the mirror – I am far from perfect, but now I love and accept myself.

I also know my brain is a pretty tough cookie and pushes my body to go longer, harder & faster so much more that I ever thought possible.

Bridey Bowman


My major physical achievement is definitely my weight loss of 13.3kg and loosing 15% of my starting body weight. I knew I was unfit when starting and now I have improved fitness test results beyond what I ever dreamt I could. I can actually run again for periods of time. I have fallen 2 dress sizes and have way more energy. This has had a snowball effect in living a more active lifestyle at home and at work. I increasingly teach more sport and incorporate parts of my work out into pe lessons.

Before I started I was definitely the procrastinator and always made excuses due to my prior breathing difficulties and exercise. I would also use my busy work life and mum duties as an excuse as to why I didn’t have time to go to exercise.


The program has been the best thing I have done for myself in 10 years. After having 2 kids and major surgery I really struggled to loose weight! I am so grateful I signed up and took on the challenge. The app is the best! It supported me every step of the way. I was determined to succeed and it kept me accountable! Thank you! It’s an awesome program and I am so pleased with my results!

Anita Cutler


My main area I needed to master was my will power. Not to go eat the kids snacks, not to eat late at night and stuff crazy amounts of food in my mouth all day. I have trained my brain to eat healthy and to enjoy a range a foods to satisfy my hunger and taste buds.

Biggest thing for me is tracking my food. Im then accountable for what goes into my mouth each time I eat. Make sure I always have healthy snack options in the fridge/cupboard and to

Cool tasty and easy meals that I enjoy eating each week.


Samantha Smith


I am most proud of my commitment to change and the journey I have just started. I feel like I’ve flipped a switch and turned off the cravings and the terrible eating cycle that I have been in for years. I’m not looking at this journey as a diet but a life style that I am embracing. Social events at work are no longer about the food but instead catching up with people, I’m not even tempted by the cakes and if I want something then I have a little, it’s all about moderation.

I love knowing what our meals are for the week and having a ready-made shopping list. This program has given me back the enjoyment of cooking that I had lost long ago. I can’t believe some of the meals I am making and that I am enjoying, who would have though chickpea rissoles would be so good. My husband loves it too!

I love my morning Nescafe Carmel Latte and decided at the start of this journey that going without my coffee was non-negotiable. Without it I would feel deprived. I wanted to set myself up for success to make the long term change that I have started so many times but lost my way.

I have celebrated my success of the last 12 weeks but I have now re-focused and concentrating on the next 12 weeks and the new goal that I am setting myself to achieve. This is a journey that I need to continue that will bring me so many benefits that I am looking forward to.

Cherlyn Davies (Nominated by another member)


I first noticed Cherlyn when she posted about her NSV of making it up the hill to her bus without being out of breath. I remember thinking it is these little things each day that make a difference & her post really made me examine my NSV & realised how important they are.

I love how real she is with her experiences & I feel we are on a similar journey, I hope she continues to succeed!

She always hi-fives my & other posts & is active with comments of encouragement or sharing her own experience!

Also Read: 5 Simple Ways To Get Started In Fitness

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