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Transformations: November End of Round Winners

Physical transformations where you really see results really starts with your mind. Changing your patterns of thinking and dealing with the highs and lows of everyday is a challenge for everyone, but when you have deep rooted unhealthy patterns of eating and not moving, it really is something to overcome. Over the 12 weeks in the November round 2018, these inspirational individuals really challenged the mind and body. Not every day is going to be perfect, but if you can get consistency, you’ll see results and develop healthy habits to last a life time.

Congratulations to all these insanely inspiring individuals. Every time you worked out when you didn’t feel like it, or reeled it in when you felt like throwing in the towel made you stronger and stronger leading to physical and emotional transformations. Xx


Zoe Wilson

Zoe Wilson 12WBT

I’m proudest of the progress I’ve made with my fitness. I went from walk/running to finishing a challenging Park run 5km in under 26 minutes. It’s taken a lot of work to maintain my commitment to myself (often doing my exercise once my children went to bed) but I really wanted to do this for myself and so that I can be the active mum my boys deserve.

I used the ‘little bit every day adds up to a lot’ approach. I kept a tally for the days I exercised (including recovery work via Pilates or Yoga) and once you add all of those up it equaled a huge number of efforts to exercise. It made me really motivated to add to my tally and it made me proud of how much I achieved.

By focusing on maintaining a commitment to every day and taking each training session and healthy meal as a win that will add up to me working towards being the best version of myself.

Sue Curtis

Sue Curtis 12WBT

I’m proud of my weight loss and my improvement in fitness. Since starting the program I have completed 3 triathlons and my times prior to starting the program have improved. I’m faster with my running and my bike. It’s easier to move when you are faster.

I have stronger willpower. I was hesitant to join this round as it covered the Christmas period. I managed to have desert on Christmas day and stay on track the rest of that week. I’m the past I would have stayed off track.

I’m the doer and I get things done. I also try harder. Watching the motivational videos has really helped to make me stronger.

As Michelle says ‘Stop making excuses’. Life is always going to get in the way and this program really gives you skills to deal with excuses.

Gail Hitch

Gail 12wbt

I am proud of my overall weight loss so far of 22kg, although this number will continue to rise for sure. I’m also proud that I have completed a 5km and 10km fun run over the last few years, something I once would never have ever thought possible

I am much more focussed and organised with my life in general. 12WBT has taught me to plan ahead, and with planning comes a greater feeling of control over my life, and a much happier and less stressed me.

Every weekend I plan my next week out in my old-fashioned paper diary-exercise, work, school and sporting commitments, shopping and cooking days, even alarm times for each day, and the occasional sleep-in. That way I know what my week looks like, and everything just seems to run so much smoother. I have also become an early morning exerciser on work days -I’m up super early and get it done before breakfast so as to avoid the late night dialogue that encourages me to skip a workout.

I have become a Tea2 fan, and have a herbal tea in a fancy fine bone china teacup every night before bed while reading a chapter of a book. On weekends I make iced tea and enjoy this in a fancy glass loaded up with ice, so I don’t feel I’m missing out in calorie-dense alcohol beverages instead.

Just do it – Join, it’s the best decision you will ever make!

Laura Curnow

Laura Curnow

I wanted to lose 8kgs this round to get back to pre 2nd baby weight. Now at the end of the round, 13kgs and 39 cm down, I am closer to my next goal of pre 1st baby (6kgs to go) and I’m the lightest I’ve been since I got pregnant in 2016.

Whenever I thought I was getting a bit off track, I would jump into the member zone and either write a post or comment on another thread. Putting words out to the universe and refocusing on my goals seemed to kick me in the butt! And seeing the weight loss graph at the bottom of the post reminded me that the program works and gave me the extra push to keep going.

Just thank you for helping me rediscover me after getting a bit lost when I became a mum. My babies are my life but if I don’t put myself first more and take care of my health and fitness then it won’t be much of a life for me or them


Also Read: How I lost 20kg 

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