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How Fit Am I? (There Are So Many Fitness Tests!)

To measure your weight you simply stand on the scales, but how do you measure fitness Our 12WBT experts have created THE ULTIMATE TEST, and whether you’re a total beginner or seasoned gym-goer here’s how to find your true Fitness Score.

Measuring Up

There’s lots of ways to measure your fitness and health levels – specialised tests for running, flexibility checks, sit-ups, push-ups … you name it, there’s a test for it. Some of the most popular tools are Body Mass Index, Waist-to-Hip measuring and Body Mass Composition.

In this blog post our 12WBT fitness guru (and 12WBT Fitness Score creator) Daniel Swanbury takes us through three common fitness tools and how to make them work for you.

The 12WBT Fitness Score

Half the challenge is wading through all those tests to find ones you can use – because knowing your fitness level can help you choose the best program for optimum health. So our 12WBT fitness experts have created a system to do just that – and all in less than 15 minutes!

From January this year 12WBT Members were able to discover their exact fitness level by being given a Fitness Score. It’s basically a single number that is the result of several fitness tests based on five main areas: cardiovascular fitness, upper-body strength, lower-body strength, core strength and flexibility.

Read an explanation on the 12WBT Fitness Score from its creator Dan.

I’ve Done the Test, Now What?

Getting your initial Fitness Score is just the beginning! Every 12WBTer completes the tests during Pre-Season (before the Round officially starts) to help you choose the Fitness Program that’s right for you.

Then you complete the tests at Weeks 4, 8 and 12. It’s a great way to measure your progress – and the improvements have been totally mind blowing!

Join 12WBT and you’ll get access to these fitness tests, plus Meal and Exercise Plans, expert support and Mish’s Mindset and Exercise Videos!

12 weeks to transform your life

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What's it all about?

Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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