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Cooking on a Budget

Do you find yourself tossing food when opening your veggie crisper or pantry? The zucchinis have gone slimy, the carrots have little speckles of mould growing on them and the spinach bunch is now a bouquet of wilted leaves. Out-of-date tins and packets also clutter your pantry shelves and while in the process of chucking them out, you happen to notice weevils have moved into your flour stores. Humph.

It’s such a shame when the ingredients we’ve paid good money for cross to the other side of ripe, or pass their use-by date – and all before we’ve had the chance to use them up. As if the rising cost of food wasn’t sending us all broke already!

If this sounds familiar, then it might be time you got a little smarter with your shopping and cooking. Fortunately, our 12WBT Nutrition Team has a few secrets to share that will slash your shopping bill and have you cooking healthier meals.

The Savings Start At Home

  • Make the most of ingredients you already have in your fridge and pantry
  • Turn leftovers into new meals – it’s easy!
  • Keep food fresh by using airtight containers
  • Place ready-to-eat foods at the front of the fridge so they get eaten
  • Freeze food in the portions you will use
  • Use up ingredients before buying more

How To Be A Savvy Shopper

  • Golden rule: don’t shop while hungry!
  • Take a shopping list and Stick. To. It.
  • Buy fruits and vegetables in season
  • Shop online, so you’ll only buy what you need
  • Buy vegetables loose instead of packaged
  • Buy cheeses and cold meats from the deli

…And Save While Out And About

Being smart with your cash doesn’t mean you can’t go out and enjoy yourself! These tips will help you have fun without blowing out your budget – or your waistline.

Download: 12WBT Guide to Cooking on a Budget

You don’t have to spend a fortune to look and feel great. At 12WBT we have weekly Meal Plans and Shopping Lists to help you stay within your budget, and lose weight at the same time.

12 weeks to transform your life

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What's it all about?

Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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