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Our August Round Winners: Their Secrets to Success!

As the August round comes to an end, it’s time to introduce to you our awesome End of Round Winners! At the end of each round, we always ask members to nominate either themselves for a Top Transformer award, or another member for a 12WBT Hero award. We always get inundated with amazing members wanting to celebrate one another.

Here are the 12WBT August Round winners sharing a little part of their journey to success!

Top Transformers

Veronica (aka veronica_determine35)

What was the best part of taking part in 12WBT August Round? The best part was that it was my second round and I got better at following the plan, tracking and being able to customise the features to suit my needs. I just got better at it.

What was the biggest challenge you faced? At first it was the short winter days, then the weather that challenged me. When it rained for more that two days I began to have withdrawals from the exercise plan, fearing I wouldn’t reach my goals.

Complete this sentence, “I know I’m doing 12WBT when…” I am focussed on my food intake, shopping and daily activities. I feel awesome because the exercise and reduced weight means my joints and muscles are in a happy place. I am feeling perfectly balanced.

Jonathon (aka Jonny_Noble)

What was the best part of taking part in 12WBT August Round? The tools available for use and the support offered. Having access to the 12WBT app on my iPhone was a big help in organizing my day. I also valued the connection and support made with other 12WBTers. There is a great sense of empowerment particularly for me in the Man Shed area. It was great to have a space to connect with other men doing 12WBT..

What is the most important thing you learned as part of your 12WBT journey? Consistency! To get back up when you fall. To not rely on motivation was a hard mountain to conquer. Some days I really did NOT want to do those squats, but I have learnt that consistency gets results! To be consistent and see my results is the best feeling in the world.

What was your favourite exercise plan? My favourite Exercise Plan would have to be cardio, I have learned to LOVE running (something I never thought I would say). To know now that I can run at six minute reps, compared to 30 second reps when I first started, is incredible!

Simone (aka simone_spectacular39)

What was the best part of taking part in 12WBT August Round? This was my very first time in joining the 12WBT team and I must say I absolutely loved having a Meal Plan and Exercise Plan created for me.  

What is the most important thing you learned as part of your 12WBT journey? That I was making a positive change to my health and fitness. I was required to give a whole lot of effort, determination and organisation to set achievable goals to make healthy living and exercise a lifestyle change – not just a 12 week challenge.

What was your favourite meal? I must say the food was amazing!!!! There were so many favourites. If I had to select one favourite dinner meal it would be the Veal meatballs and Couscous – so easy, tasty and freezable. Yummo!

Lee (aka lee_skill98)

What was your favourite meal?  Braised Thyme Chicken with Roast Ratatouille was easily a favourite of mine. 

What is the most important thing you learned as part of your 12WBT journey? The most important thing I learnt is that I am in control of how I nurture and exercise my body. No more excuses!

Complete this sentence, “I know I’m doing 12WBT when…” I can now face a hill to walk up or run up…at the start I was in a lot of pain and I really struggled. Now they are not big enough and I looking for steeper hills and say “Bring it on!“.


12WBT Heroes

Anna (aka anna_imagine10)

What was the best part of taking part in 12WBT August Round? The best part was the great virtual friends I made in the Member Zone. I never felt I was doing this on my own. There was always someone who would respond to my post, make suggestions, give me encouragement and keep me accountable.

What is the most important thing you learned as part of your 12WBT journey? There were many..That mindset matters and what I tell myself each day will make a big difference to my behaviour. If I think I can or I think I can’t I will be right. I have to decide which one I want to believe.

What was your favourite meal? I enjoy a lot of the meals so picking one is a bit hard but I think it would have to be the Hokkien Noodles with Lamb, Chilli and Basil. I’ve shared this lunch with friends who also really enjoyed it (convincing them that I was not on a diet in the process).

Melissa (aka melissa_assert87)

What was the biggest challenge you faced? Myself. I didn’t trust myself. I believed I would fail. That mindset can mean the end before you even begin. But I’m so glad I stuck with it. Eventually I realised that I was capable of more than I had given myself credit for.

What was your favourite meal? There were too many awesome meals to choose from!! Breakfast: Cream Cheese, Strawberry and Maple Bagel. Hands down. Awesomeness. Lunch: Falafel Salad Box. Dinner: Vegetable Donburi (seriously… If I knew who designed this recipe, I would send flowers)

Complete this sentence, “I know I’m doing 12WBT when…” 10pm is a late night, Saturday mornings are blocked out of the calendar (sorry, can’t catch up… running ;)) and I’m bouncing down the corridors at work because someone in the Member Zone, Instagram or Facebook has just kicked a serious goal!!!

Cara (aka Alex-Cara)

What was the best part of taking part in 12WBT August Round? The best part of every 12WBT round is sharing your PBs and achievements with like minded, your ‘fit fam’. Every time I see someone reach their goals, I do a little happy dance inside for them because I know how great achieving your goals feels!

What is the most important thing you learned as part of your 12WBT journey? Do more of what makes you happy. Living a healthy lifestyle is as much about mental health as it is physical. It’s important to stop with the comparisons and know that this journey is yours, and yours alone.

What was your favourite meal AND your favourite exercise plan? I always enjoyed the simplicity of the pizzas and really love fish. I always enjoyed the Indian fish and the Spicy Fish Tacos with Mango Salsa. My favourite exercise plan were the final two weeks of the get ripped phase on the Lean and Strong Program.

Munuela (aka Munuela)

What is the most important thing you learned as part of your 12WBT journey? Anything is possible. If I believe in myself and set a goal, I can reach it no matter how big it is.

What was your favourite meal AND your favourite exercise plan? So many but I love the Chargrilled Chicken Skewers with Satay Sauce & Grilled Lamb with Pumpkin & Pine Nuts. Favourite exercise is definitely the running.

Complete this sentence, “I know I’m doing 12WBT when…” I feel in control, I am organised and structured. I feel fit & strong because I am eating clean and training hard.

Megan (aka megswhite)

What is the most important thing you learned as part of your 12WBT journey? To be organised! Being a mother with two children and working full time, organisation became my best friend. I found that doing large cook ups on the weekends set me up for a less chaotic week.

What was the biggest challenge you faced? I really struggled with not having those late night, post-dinner snacks that I had become accustomed to. I also struggled a bit with the portion sizes, I didn’t realise how bad I was eating before 12WBT! I never want to feel like that again.

What was your favourite meal AND your favourite exercise plan? So many! My family loved the Sloppy Joes and Lasagne – that was a meal we ate together as a family. I personally love the chicken pie with mushy peas and the potato salad with bacon and peas; they actually feel like I am eating something naughty, but they’re not!


What was the biggest challenge you faced? Changing my habits around social occasions and special events. It will be a big focus for the next round to change the way I approach special occasions and special events.

What is the most important thing you learned as part of your 12WBT journey? That I need to continue to work very hard to maintain the new habits I have developed. I have done really well, but I need to use the next round to focus on ingraining the habits into my lifestyle.

Complete this sentence, “I know I’m doing 12WBT when…” I am working my mind, body and heart to make long-lasting changes, supported by the 12WBT team and community.


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