
No Time? No Problem. Express Workouts To Fit Your Life

Mish and the team are so excited to announce our brand new Express Workouts! We sat down with Tim Pittorino (or ‘Fit Tim’ as we like to call him), our Fitness Lead and inhouse Fitness Guru for the low down on this awesome new 12WBT feature.

What are 12WBT Express Workouts?

12WBT created Express Workouts to give members more variety with their training as well give members shorter workouts on those occasions when they don’t have a full hour to train.

We have the philosophy of ‘Squeeze, Stack and Jam’. Squeeze one in on those days you don’t have time to train. Stack them together for a variety of results-driven workouts. Or even jam them onto the end of your regular workout for a boost.

The workouts are designed to be fast, focussed and fun.

  •       Fast: 5-30 minute workouts.
  •       Focussed: Focussed on one outcome, be it a particular body part, fitness, strength, calorie burn or flexibility.
  •       Fun: In true 12WBT style we set mini personal challenges, and use the latest training techniques to make your workouts fun (well as fun as working out can be!).

Why did 12WBT create Express Workouts?

These shorter workouts can help with specific goals such as weight loss (e.g. ‘King Calorie burners’: How to burn the maximum amount of fat if you only have 20 minutes) or, depending on your area of focus, you can target specific areas of the body such as abs, thighs or butt.

In a nutshell, we understand that one hour of exercise a day isn’t always practical, BUT everyone has at least ten minutes to do something – and that’s the main purpose, to do something, ideally every single day.

For time poor people, what are your top tips for getting a workout in?

If you can watch TV, you can exercise

Find or make that 5-30 minutes in your day and do just one of these Express Workouts. It may just take five minutes to do some stretching or some abdominal work in front of the TV at night, or better yet – in the morning! Every small step towards your health and fitness goes a long way, especially if it’s done regularly.

Fitness BEFORE Facebook

Before you check your social media apps or sites, do one of these Express Workouts. If you want to be fit, lean and healthy you must prioritise exercise above social media. YES! You will survive without them.

Make exercise your break

Many people use smoking, coffee or snacking as a break from their tasks at home or work. I’m all for taking a break, but it doesn’t have to be spent at the vending machine. Instead, you can stretch those tight muscles or simply go for a five minute walk. You’ll feel more naturally refreshed and revitalized, as well as much healthier for choosing movement over caffeine or a sugary snack.

What’s the best kind of workout to do if you don’t have much time?

The best type of workout for the time poor is a relatively intense circuit. Linking exercises together such as three rounds of: squats, push-ups, rows and lunges can work wonders for your cardiovascular system, as well as most of your major muscle groups. We have an Express Workout just for this called ‘Short, Sweet, Repeat’.

If you don’t have time for a full workout, any exercise is better than no exercise, right?

Absolutely! No matter how little exercise you do you’re always lapping the person on the couch. Forget running marathons – life IS a marathon. Just get moving and remember, anything is better than nothing.

I have 5 minutes. What can I do?

Jump in and do any of our 5-minute Express workouts! You can also:

  1.  Walk for 5 minutes.
  2.  Of those 5 minutes see how long you last in a plank or wall sit for.
  3.  Stretch or use a foam roller.
  4.   Do a mini circuit such as 10 x squats, burpees and push-ups, and see how many rounds you can get through.
  5.   Do a 5 minute core circuit such as: 1 minute plank, 1 minute side plank (each side), 1 minute hip raise, 1 minute crunches.
  6.    Run as fast as you can away from your home or work for 2 minutes 30 seconds and then turn around and try and get back before the clock strikes 5 minutes.

Join 12WBT today and you’ll get access to our Express Workouts, plus everything else you need to get fit, healthy and happy.  If you’re looking for a great time-saving fitness option, Voome is perfect for you, with great recipes and dozens of quick, effective workouts that will have you working up a sweat!

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4 thoughts on “No Time? No Problem. Express Workouts To Fit Your Life

  1. I am also a member and can’t work out how to access this. Under fitness all i can see are individual exercises rather than workouts. I’d like to intensify some of my cardio so was looking for them.

    1. Hi Vic,

      Thanks for contacting us!Please be sure to click on the following link (available via your Home page and under the heading ‘Fitness’):

      If the Express Workouts still won’t show up for you, try logging out of your 12WBT Account and then back in using a different web browser.

      If you are still unable to access the Express Workouts, please send us a screen shot of what you are seeing and a summary of the issue to the following email address:

      Wishing you all the very best with your health and fitness goals!

      12WBT Support Crew

    1. Hi there,

      You can find our Express Workouts under the ‘Fitness’ tab at the top of the homepage. Just hover over the word, and you should see the ‘Express Workouts’ option fourth on the list!



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