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“I’ll JFDI To The Best Of My Ability”: Anna’s Ready to Rock the 12WBT Post Baby Program

It’s the first day of Round today! Veteran 12WBTer Anna is kicking off with the team today in our Post Baby Program – and she’s sharing her thoughts on excuses, organisation and JFDI!!

Two years ago I did my first ever 12WBT. I was 36 and had been ‘about 5 kilos’ overweight since I was 16. I never looked massive but I was never comfortable with my body and constantly had the belief that the weight would eventually just drop off – but it didn’t.

I was 75kg when I started 12WBT and 12 weeks later I had lost 15 kilos, and felt amazing!

A New Chapter

Shortly after this my partner and I made the decision (rather late in life) that I would try and get pregnant. I needed to undergo fertility treatment and read numerous daunting ‘You’re at the top end of the age scale to get pregnant’ forums. However, I felt healthy and fit and began the process.

12WBT really worked for me the first time around, I had the time and desire to follow the program and it taught me the skills I needed to lose weight. I got down to 60kg and my weight eventually settled at a very healthy 64kg. I am convinced that the fitness and weight loss attained through 12WBT (combined with Iyengar yoga which I’ve come to love) were the key to my conceiving very quickly into my fertility treatment.

During my pregnancy something triggered and the thought of green beans, capsicum or cherry tomatoes made my stomach turn – which ruled out many of Mish’s 12WBT dishes! Cheese sandwiches and banana smoothies however were all I desired. Needless to say during my pregnancy I put on 16kg.

Starting the Post Baby Program

Anna - Day 1, Post Baby Program
Anna – Day 1, Post Baby Program

So here I am again, my baby, Sam, is 9 weeks old and I am pretty much back to square one at 71.8kg. So I find myself again wishing to lose ‘about 5 kilos’. This time I have the knowledge and ability to lose the weight, but now I have a tiny person that needs constant care and zero time for me, so just how will I find the time?

On first looking at the Post Baby Program I just thought ‘No way! I can’t fit in exercise and meal preparation everyday’. Sometimes grabbing a muffin as I walk past a cafe frantically pushing the pram is all I can manage of a morning.

No Excuses

However, having thought about this more and drawing on my last 12WBT experience, I realise that I am making excuses. The excuses are a little more valid this time around, but they still excuses. There are still things I can do. I have stacked the cupboards with healthy snacks and plan to take them out with me instead of buying something with my morning coffee. I’ve enrolled in mums and bubs pilates and found time to go back to one yoga class a week.

My 12WBT starts again today and I am trying very hard to focus on what I can do rather than what I can’t. I’ll JFDI to the best of my ability in this brave new world.

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What's it all about?

Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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