
Confessions from a 12WBT Husband

Anytime there is a change in your life – whether it’s starting a new job or signing up for the 12 Week Body Transformation for the first time – there is a flow on effect to your friends and family. At these times, it makes a huge difference to have a partner who is well and truly on your team!

There is a big difference between a partner saying they support you and a partner that actually stands right behind you every step of the way. Which is why I loved this heartfelt (and at times brutally honest) blog post by ‘Hippy Brad’.

Brad is the proud husband of Sarah, a 12 Week Body Transformation member from Western Australia.

Sarah began her first Round of the 12WBT in November with twin goals – she wanted to lose 7 kilos and be fit enough to run a 5km fun run at the end of the 12 weeks. Being the multi-tasking, impressive woman that she is, Sarah is on track to knock her goals out of the park! She reached her goal weight in Week 9 and has thrown herself into the exercise component of the Program with huge enthusiasm.

Her husband Brad is proud as punch. He is not only Sarah’s ‘biggest fan’ but also an occasional guest blogger on Dear Baby G and the father of her six children. Brad took to the blogosphere this week to tell his tale of being a 12WBT husband and to ask some tough questions of other 12WBT husbands and partners.

In his post, Brad describes how Sarah’s transformation has not only changed their lives for the better but also forced him to consider his own relationship to his body. It’s a story that I’m sure a lot of you could relate to (the 12WBT team sure did) and we just had to share it!

Hippy Brad looking happy and healthy last month
‘Hippy Brad’ looking happy and healthy last month

Below are some absolute gems from the post:

Three months ago my wife signed up for the 12WBT. For me, it was an easy decision to tell her that I would support her. I had nothing to lose for trying to help her be happy. I wasn’t prepared to spend the money myself and follow the program, but I’ve been a parasite and read everything on the site, and participated in the calorie counting, measurements, meals and changed my eating habits. In fact I cook the majority of our dinner meals for the week on a Sunday and chill them. I love cooking and the 12WBT recipes have provided me as vegetarian with a massive range of meals that I had not considered before.

I’m a believer that “happy wife means happy life”. If the way that your lady is going to be happy is through improved self esteem by having a better body image and mind set, then you are going to be happier. If the least you can do is let her spend the money she needs to on a Polar Watch, the 12WBT course, some gym clothes and a gym membership then so be it. Accept her eating decisions, be supportive of her decision to not eat a packet of tim tams or chug a bourbon and coke with you, and you will help her reach her goals. If you actually man up and take on the challenge yourself then believe me, a little healthy competition is an amazing motivator for both of you.

I’m no expert on health, fitness or relationships but I’ve never been so in love and with my wife as I am now, and neither of us has ever been as healthy as we are now.

I’m pretty sure there is a direct link.

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