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Felicity 12WBT Success Story

Number of Rounds: 1

Kilos Lost: 16

Inspiration to Join 12WBT:

 After years of comfort eating, Felicity didn’t realise the truth about her body until she went online. The wake-up call? A photo of her with friends on Facebook. “I realised I was looking at a person that wasn’t truly happy in themselves. It wasn’t the person I thought I was.”  After a friend suggested 12WBT, Felicity decided that after many failed weight loss attempts she had nothing to lose.

Turning Point: 

Through identifying the real reasons she ate the way she did, Felicity was able to change her weight – and her life. Watching Michelle’s Mindset Videos each week allowed Felicity to shed her comfort eating habits for good. “There’s so much more to the program than just weight loss…it’s set me up for life” she says.

Biggest Motivator:  

Living in rural Australia, Felicity found the 12WBT forums a real game-changer. She was able to feel connected to the community without geography holding her back.  Plus she’s made some terrific friendships. On joining 12WBT Felicity’s goal was to run 5km without stopping. “I did that within the first few weeks” she says, “I now run 15km and I’m training for a triathalon”. With her first 12WBT Round under her belt, she’s got no intention of slowly down. “There’s big goals for me” says Felicity, “I don’t think this is the end. I’m very excited”. Go girl!

Felicity’s Top 12WBT Tip: 

“For me it was about changing my mindset. After the program is finished you have the skills and the knowledge and the attitude to continue exercising and eating well, and enjoying fitness.”

Change your mind and you can change your life. Register your interest in the next 12 Week Body Transformation today!

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What's it all about?

Why not take a look at a typical 7-day Meal Plan, and try a few dietitian-designed recipes. Sample some exercises you can also expect in your program. I really do hope you like what you see.

Mish Xx

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