You have a choice. You can keep dreaming about your health and fitness goals or you can make a plan to SMASH them with the 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT). How does it all work? Read on to find out!
The 12 Week Body Transformation is NOT a weight loss program – it’s a lifestyle.
Delivered online, 12WBT programs are structured to provide members with the tools to take control of their health and fitness for life.
There is no typical 12WBTer and our members’ goals are diverse and exciting.
12WBT has specialised programs developed by a team of health and fitness experts that can see you do any one of these things or several of them in combination!
What’s in the 12WBT Program?
The 12WBT Members’ website has loads of great features and is evolving all the time. We work hard to ensure our members are supported by our team of experts and their 12WBT peers. We give you access to inspiring content and practical tools and advice to help you achieve your goals.
There are four key elements within 12 Week Body Transformation programs – Nutrition, Exercise, Mindset and Community.
12WBT Gives You… A Plan For Your Nutrition
- Weekly Meal Plans and Shopping Lists developed by accredited dietitians and nutritionists.
- Access to the 12WBT Recipe Index. Featuring over 1300 calorie-controlled recipes, the index incorporates family-friendly meals that are delicious and easy to cook. From pub favourites, and winter warmers, to summer salads and international foods, 12WBT Recipes cater to all sorts of culinary and dietary preferences, and levels of kitchen confidence.
- If you don’t like one recipe or have special requirements, we can help you. Our customise option makes it possible to swap in other recipes from the 12WBT Recipe Index.
- Access to gluten-free, lactose-free and vegetarian recipes, so if you have a preference or health concern it won’t be a problem.
- When you join, the calorie-level Meal Plan recommended to you is based on the Fitness Program you choose and your gender. You’ll be recommended a range of Fitness Programs suitable for your fitness level after you complete your Pre-Season Task Fitness Test*. Choose from those programs based on your health and fitness goals.
*Note that for Move, Move 2 and Pregnancy Fitness Programs, completing the Fitness Test is not required.
12WBT Gives You… An Exercise Plan
- Weekly Exercise Plans developed by professional trainers from a variety of different backgrounds – including yoga instructors, elite runners, Olympians and current and former Australian representative athletes.
- The option to choose where you train and mix it up. You can do 12WBT workouts at the beach, in a park or your backyard – or at home in your living room or at the gym.
- Access to exclusive 12WBT workout videos featuring Michelle Bridges and her team.
- Access to the 12WBT Exercise Index – a huge ‘how-to’ guide to exercise with videos, photographs and instructions to help you complete each exercise within your Exercise Plans.
- Access to Mish’s Express Workouts – use them whichever way you like: Squeeze them in on those days you don’t have time to train. Jam them onto the end of your regular workout, or stack them together to build your own workout.
12WBT Gives You… A Path to a Healthy Mindset
- Weekly Mindset Videos featuring Michelle Bridges.
- Three comprehensive coaching emails a week.
- Access via email and the 12WBT Member Zone to the team of dietitians, nutritionists and personal trainers that form part of the 12WBT Support Crew.
Our Focus On Mindset & Community Makes Us Different
We believe it is essential that we help our members to achieve a healthy Mindset to enable them to achieve a healthy body and lifestyle and sustain it for good.
Through our weekly Mindset Lessons, 12WBT Members are given the coaching to help them achieve their goals and stay on track.
Truly unique, these weekly video messages from Michelle Bridges are essential viewing. No nonsense and empathetic, Michelle shares key insights she has gained over more than 20 years as a trainer. Watch as she chats off the cuff and in-depth about the tangible physical challenges of starting a new exercise regime. She also addresses the complicated mental and emotional challenges that can arise when you set out to break old habits to form new ones, and gives you the tools to overcome road bumps, reach your goals and change your life for good.
Supportive Team AND Crew
The 12WBT Member Zone give members access to an amazing team of dieticians, nutritionists and health and fitness experts and a supportive community of like-minded people who are all working to change their lives for the better!
12WBT is a very active community. While you do your workouts on your own time and either alone or with a buddy, you’re also among the thousands of 12WBT teammates who are doing the round with you across Australia.
Over the three months, our members cheer each other on in the Member Zone, share inspirational stories and also the life-changing lessons learnt along the way. By the time the round ends, lifelong friendships have been formed. Read about our members.
You can make the decision to change your life today! Register your interest in 12WBT or sign up today!